Mac And Cheese Recipe

Macaroni and cheese

So I have a confession to make. I had my very first macaroni and cheese when I moved to Texas. Yes! I know! Shocking!! LOL. In Zimbabwe macaroni and cheese isn’t exactly a popular meal and probably eaten in just the affluent households. I grew up in a middle income household and it’s one those things I only got to learn about on TV and wondered how it tasted. I know, crazy right?  I love learning about and trying out different foods and I feel like there’s still so much on my ‘food bucket list’.

Anyway, when I got married and had my own kitchen, like many young women, I started experimenting with different dishes and macaroni and cheese was one of them. I tried a bunch of recipes but it would either turn out to be too runny or too doggone dry LOL. Most recipes I came across required 4-6 cheeses so this was getting a little too expensive for me. So I finally came up with this recipe which produced a good balance between creaminess, cheesiness and ‘budget friendliness’ .

I use a lot of extra sharp cheddar cheese to give the strong cheesy taste, mozzarella for the rich creaminess and parmesan for the strong nutty, salty cheesy flavor. I feel like the recipe is pretty easy to follow especially if it’s your first time to make mac n cheese or if you just want to put something together for dinner quick.

Here’s how I make my macaroni and cheese,

Macaroni and cheese

Macaroni and cheese


  • 2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni
  • 4 tbsp. unsalted butter
  • 1 small yellow onion, diced
  • ¼ cup flour
  • 2 ½ cups whole milk
  • 5 oz.(140g) mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 10 oz.(280g) extra sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  1. Cook the elbow macaroni according to package instructions, drain and set aside.
  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F/200 degrees C.
  3. In a heavy pot on medium heat, add the butter and the chopped onions. Let the onions cook until fragrant and transparent.
  4. Reduce to low heat and add the flour. Whisk the flour in until smooth and cook for about a couple of minutes.
  5. Add the milk and whisk everything together breaking any lumps. Cook on low heat for a few minutes till the mixture thickens and becomes bubbly.
  6. Turn off the heat, and add all three cheeses. Whisk together until all the cheese melts to form a thick, gooey mixture. If too thick you can add a little bit of milk. Season with salt and pepper to your taste.
  7. Add the cooked elbow macaroni and mix well till completely covered in the cheese sauce.
  8. Transfer to a greased baking/casserole dish and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and let rest for about 10 minutes before serving.
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How do you make your macaroni and cheese?

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