How To Freeze Strawberries

How to freeze strawberries

I love strawberries and I would like to think that most people do. I mean, why not? Who wouldn’t love how sweet and juicy they are??..and not forgetting, they are just so pretty!…I mostly use them to make smoothies and I’m also planning to learn to make some strawberry jam! Whenever I find them on sale I find myself buying way more than I need. And chances are, they’ll probably go bad before I use them. That would be such a waste! Also they tend to be a little pricey when not in season, so I buy a bunch in the summer months and freeze them… and by that I do not mean chucking them in the freezer. That will only make them stick together into a huge,hard lump and you don’t want that. It’s also way better than store-bought frozen strawberries because there’s no added sugar, just plain strawberries! You’ll need:

  • a bunch of fresh strawberries
  • strawberry huller/small knife
  • a baking tray
  • wax paper/parchment paper
  • a freezer safe ziploc bag

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The first thing to do is to remove the tough stem from the strawberries. You can use a huller if you have one but I just use a small sharp knife.
Once you’ve done rinse your strawberries using a colander. Transfer them onto a layer of paper towels to dry. Make sure the strawberries are completely dry.
Cover a baking tray with some parchment paper or wax paper. Arrange the strawberries  hulled side down. Do not crowd them.

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Place them in the freezer for at least 2 hours.
After that transfer them to a freezer safe Ziploc plastic bag. Try and squeeze as much air out as you can before you seal it and return to the freezer. Now you’ve got perfect individually frozen strawberries, which will not be going bad any time soon (will keep for at least 6 months).

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You can use the same method to freeze blackberries and blueberries.

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  1. Pingback: Homemade Strawberry Applesauce – The Vimbayi Diaries

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