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who regulates the animal welfare act quizlet

Per the AWA, What assurance must be contained in the USDA annual report? Per the AWA, At what temperature must sprinklers or artificial cooling be provided for rabbits housed in outdoor facilities? Veterinarian or his designee employed by APHIS. the idea that using animals obligates people to tend to basic needs considered to be good husbandry, deals with philosophy, sociology, & public policy as they apply to the standing of animals in relation to human society, Describe Bernard Rollin's explanation of the new animal ethic, "It is not opposed to animal use; it is opposed to animal use that goes against the animals' natures and tries to force square pegs into round holes, leading to friction and suffering.". Animal welfare regulation. At least twice daily for one hour each time, Per the AWA, List 4 brachiating species of nonhuman primates. Per the AWA, Which groups or persons are exempt from the USDA licensing requirements? Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: during transport, each nonhuman primate that is 1 year of age of more must be offered food __ and each nonhuman primate under 1 year of age must be offered food __. What are Animal Rights Arguments usually based on? Fill in the blank (from AWA): No animal will be used in more than one major operative procedure from which it is allowed to recover, unless: justified for scientific reasons by the principal investigator in writing, required veterinary care, on an individual basis. Per the AWA, List the 3 types of nonhuman primates that compose Group 1NHPs, marmosets, tamarins and infants (of various species), Per the AWA, List the 3 types of nonhuman primates that compose Group 2 NHPs, capuchins, squirrel monkeys, juveniles (of various species), Per the AWA, List the 2 types of nonhuman primates that compose Group 3 NHPS, Per the AWA, List the 3 types of nonhuman primates that compose Group 4 NHPS, male macaques, large African species, and nonbrachiating species smaller than 33.0 lbs (15Kg), Per the AWA, List the 2 types of nonhuman primates that compose Group 5 NHPS, baboons and nonbrachiating species larger than 33.0 lbs (15Kg), Per the AWA, List the 2 types of nonhuman primates that compose Group 6 NHPS, great apes over 55.0 lbs and brachiating species. Per the AWA, What is the maximum number of live guinea pigs that can be transported in one primary enclosure? federal legislation & amendments that protects pets from theft; defines minimum holding times for pets in pounds sold to dealers; deals with basic animal management & veterinary care; & regulates … Assisting stakeholders of Animal Ethics Committees to access information about the operation of the Animal Research Act 1985, Animal Research Regulation 2010. lower than 50 degrees, but not lower than a minimum temperature. APHIS and the federal funding agency (NIH), Per the AWA, what training must be provided to scientists, technicians, and other personnel. Per the AWA, When can C.O.D. Per the AWA, How frequently must dogs and cats be fed? What factors have contributed to the issue of Animal Welfare & Animal Rights? Per the AWA, how frequently must the IACUC review the research facility's program for humane care and use of animals? Per the AWA, what is the definition of weaned? Per the AWA, What period of time must an official tag must be held by a research facility? Under the AWA, animals that meet the definition set forth in the statute, in the custody of a dealer or exhibitor, are protected by the statute. How do animal agriculturists describe their relationships with animals? The Act introduces a range of amendments to the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Act). What are the restrictions listed in the AWA for consultants to the IACUC? Appendix 1 – Definitions and key terms used for the humane transport of animals (those marked with * are defined within Part XII of the HAR) What must be included in the IACUC's report to the IO if deficiencies are noted? This Policy requires that Assured institutions base their programs of animal care and use on the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and that they comply with the applicable regulations (9 CFR, Subchapter A) issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the Animal Welfare Act. Per the AWA, At what temperature must auxiliary ventilation be used during transport of guinea pigs and hamsters? Per the AWA, List the minimum housing requirements for NHP. Per the AWA, what methods may be used for identification of live cats and dogs, official tag or tattoo, or tag, tattoo, or collar applied by facility. The Laboratory Animal Welfare Act - Public Law 89/544 What did PL 89/544 authorize? Per the AWA, At what temperature must transport devices for rabbits be covered? 1) avoid or minimize discomfort, distress and pain. Per the AWA, what temperature must be used for sanitizing primary enclosures? (1) Licensed veterinarian inspected within 10 days. Per the AWA, When must auxiliary ventilation be provided for rabbits? At what temperature is additional bedding required, Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: the ambient temperature in the mobile or traveling housing facility must not fall below ___ for dogs and cats not acclimated to lower temperatures. other dealers who are licensed, pound or shelter, legal entity of state (can not be adjacent to registered facility). It is the main federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research and exhibition. 7 USC 2131 note. Per the AWA, which species shall be provided diet at least equivalent to quality and content to commercially produced pelleted rations? Per the AWA, what shapes and sizes are permissible for the official tags? Per the AWA, what actions must be taken when a protocol is suspended? 7 USC 2131 note. https://quizlet.com/165377173/animal-welfare-act-flash-cards Per the AWA, How frequently must covered species be observed during transport? Any commercial pet breeder with five (5) or more breeding females is required to obtain a USDA license, and be open to regular inspections, if they sell to pet stores or to Per the AWA, What additional records must be kept by research facilities for transported animals? 89-54) to prevent pets from being stolen for sale to research laboratories, and to regulate the humane care and handling of dogs, cats, and other laboratory animals. Per the AWA, When is the USDA annual report due? The state and territory governments in partnership with the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA) have the principal responsibility for livestock welfare in each jurisdiction. sufficient unobstructed enclosure volume to enable movement by flying and sufficient rotating space to allow all animals to rest simultaneously. Who does the term "Secretary" refer to in the Animal Welfare Act? Developed to outline directi ons for future improvements in the welfare of animals. 1) General population doesn't have the same contact with livestock/farmers/ranchers as previous generations, farming is very different today in production systems compared to the more traditional roe & treatment of animals in yesteryear's smaller, less specialized farm, Describe the Animal Welfare Rights Movement, the establishment & emergence of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: PETA, concerned with an animal's treatment & well-being while the animal provides for human needs. The US is the only country in the world that does not include within its animal welfare laws and regulations the rats, mice and birds who are subjected to research and testing. (1) Circular and not less than 1 and 1/4" diameter. How frequently does the AWA require the IACUC to conduct continuing review of protocols? Per the AWA, which live dogs and cats need not be identified? The states and territories set and enforce animal welfare standards through administration of state legislation for animal welfare or the prevention of animal cruelty. Per the AWA, What is the interior height requirement for dog primary enclosures? One that is or may be a threat to animal welfare (within judgement of IACUC and IO). Per the AWA, In federal research facilities, where should deficiencies be reported? Per the AWA, Who is responsible for communicating the standards of humane handling, care, treatment, and transportation of animals by dealers, research facilities, and exhibitors? Per the AWA, What is the maximum distance from the wall of the primary enclosure that the ambient temperature in a holding area may be measured? Uses the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals as the standards for the regulation. 89–544) was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on August 24, 1966. Health Research Extension Act and Good Laboratory Practice Act. 10 full days, not including the day of acquisition of acquisition or time in transit. Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, Define "commerce" in the Animal Welfare Act, interstate (or intra via inter) trade, traffic or transportation, Define "research facility" in the Animal Welfare Act, any school (except elementary or secondary), institution, organization, or person that uses or intends to use live animals in research, Define "dealer" in the Animal Welfare Act, Anyone who, for compensation, delivers, buys, or sells, any animal (alive or dead), Define "animal" in the Animal Welfare Act, Define "exhibitor" in the Animal Welfare Act, A person exhibiting any animals to the public for compensation whether operated for profit or not, Define "intermediate handler" in the Animal Welfare Act, A person who receives custody of animals in connection with their transportation, Define "carrier" in the Animal Welfare Act, An operator engaged in the business of transporting animals for hire.

What Was The T-rex Eating In Jurassic Park 3, How To Add Buy It Now On Ebay, Los Machetes Pronunciation, Miami Women's Basketball Schedule, Mark Robson Books,

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