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sermon on pilate's wife

In all the long hours when Jesus stood on trial, only one person spoke up for him: A woman. ... And then in verse 19, this mysterious, this strange story about the dream that Pilate’s wife had. He knew that Jesus was innocent and would have spared Him, if he could have done so without endangering himself. We should learn a lesson from this. Cynthia, I have often contemplated the mindset of Pilate’s wife after her prophetic dream. What do we learn from the story of Pilate’s wife? So his wife had been tossing and turning the previous evening, and when he gets his breakfast in the morning and he goes out to the day, she says, “Pilate, before you go in there today, let me give you one word of caution: whatever happens, have nothing to do with that innocent man. So complete is God's control over our lives that, if He wills even our dreams are subject to His will. But it didn’t stop her trying. Who is this strange Jewish rabbi who seemed to have run afoul of his own leaders? I think we are safe in saying it was providential that God's warning, through his wife, came at the very moment he was about to render the verdict on Jesus. She sent word to her husband to do him no harm. To her credit it may be said that she sent word to the judge, her husband, that Jesus was innocent. The wife of the Roman governor. The day of miraculous dreams has ended; you can never expect to be warned by supernatural means as was Pilate. Pilate was afraid of losing his governorship, and the Jews would be angry if he did not obey their cruel bidding. God sent to this man the right person, probably the one and only person who could reach him. He did this after being informed that Jesus was a King and claimed to be the Son of God, and knowing from his own examination and from his wife that Jesus was a "just person.". After this warning from God, if he condemns Christ, he will do it deliberately of his own free will. These two must meet again in a court of judgment. We can see the providence of God at work in three different ways in this story: First, his wife had a dream about Jesus that upset her greatly. Pilate’s wife had a dream. I understand at the very time Jesus was standing before Him a complaint by the people was on the way to Tiberius the Emperor, and he feared lest he should be called to account for his oppressions., extortions, and murders. Pilate’s wife was used to living in the Roman world that provided the economic and political foundation for our own, and yet when Jesus intruded on her dream she realized that everything she held dear was being called into question—wealth, power, security, status—none of it would allow her to really rest easy. We must count the cost when we decide to become a Christian, and it is not cheap. Preached: February 20, 2008. A Gentile woman. Every person shall receive his warning. Pilate knew Jesus had committed no crime worthy of death. Her advice is urgent, "Have nothing to do with this just man." And it did encourage Pilate to make the public step of distancing himself from this legal travesty. Even though people know the will of God and know what is true and right, they still renounce Christ by putting Him off and abiding in ways of sin for the sake of gain or convenience Others are afraid to become a Christian because it would involve the loss of a friend's goodwill or the loss of a boy friend or girl friend. Sign up to join over 20,000 subscribers receiving our weekly sermon email. Awaking from her dream, she sent the message at the best possible time to have influenced his judgment. But there is even more to think about. KJV: When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. But so deep was the impression upon this Roman lady's mind that she does not wait until her husband comes home, but sends it to him at once. The wife of the man who answered to the emperor. Listen to God. Well, Pilate’s wife must have known that the chances of her dream and subsequent message being enough to get Jesus released were minimal. God was gracious and compassionate even to a man like this. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned"(Mark 16:16,17). Pilate’s wife received a dream from the Lord with a warning for her husband. He had just sat down on the judgment seat to make a pronouncement of guilty or innocent, when the message came. Pilate was afraid of the Jewish mobs and would not fight for the right, and multitudes are in danger today of missing heaven because they have not the courage to fight their way to heaven.Finally, we learn from this passage that God has concern and compassion for all people. Jesus had such decisions in mind when he said, "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul." God knows this and often gives His warnings by this influential agency. Mostly we learn that God is in control of all sides of every situation. Reformed Christian Sermon regarding how Pilate is Faced with a Choice, by L. Roth. But like many a politician caught between a rock and a hard place, he caved in to pressure from the Jewish leaders who wanted Jesus dead. Evidently Pilate had discussed the case of Jesus with his wife. If he must die, let it be by some other hand than yours. He is guilty of selling out an innocent man to save his own job. She was married to a politician; she knew the rules of the game. When Christians teach the gospel by word and example, they are not alone; all providence is behind them. The Bible says that people who reject Christ today crucify Him afresh and put Him to an open shame(Hebrews 6:6). The Dream of Pilate’s Wife by Bob Jennings on July 16, 2020 Bible: Matthew 27:19 “And while he (Pilate) was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, ‘Have nothing to do with that righteous man (Christ); for the last night, I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him,’” Matthew 27:19. Your easily accessible, conversational poem gives great insight into the mind of a woman who knows the truth in the face of all those denying it, and it is heart-rending. That he should have listened to his wife instead of to the howling mob. They might complain to the Roman Emperor, and he would lose his lucrative position. Now that the New Testament revelation is complete and God has revealed all that He shall ever reveal to the human race, miracles have ceased. Titus 2:11 says, "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." However, the dream of Pilate's wife was miraculous and specially induced by God. Considering the envy and hatred of the Jewish leaders, it would have been a treacherous situation for even a good man. He tried four times to release him—and said, “I find no fault in him.” Yet he handed over Jesus to be crucified anyway. He wanted to let Jesus go free and yet keep out of trouble with the Jews. Throughout his term in office he had grossly misbehaved himself. Human speaking, his wife was the best means of reaching Plate, but even her warning was in vain. Some would have to give up some sinful habit from which they derive much pleasure, and that they are not willing to do. Only one in a family may be a Christian, but God uses that one to be a missionary to the rest of the family. Perhaps God gave her an understanding that her husband had Jesus’ fate in his hands that very morning. . ]. It is as if God is saying, “Pilate, this is your final warning.”. Matthew 27:11-26. The concern and compassion of God for this Roman judge is remarkable because he was such a cruel and oppressive ruler. Her warning reveals Christ's true righteousness and makes it clear that he is the standard by which God measures all people. How often has a tender and loving woman exercised great power over a course, rough man. Tradition says she later became a Christian, but we cannot depend on the trustworthiness of traditions. When we preach Christ and live Him out in our lives, God is working for us as well as by us. Thanks for your interest! What she meant was that he shouldn't do Him any injury, not even to say an unkind word to him. It is instructive that the dream caused her to have great mental sufferings. WEB: While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, "Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him." There can be no doubt that Pilate's superstitious fear was excited by this mysterious dream. Second, she knew he was a righteous man. The man was ignorant of the true identity of Christ, and life had thrust him into an unexpected role, which has immortalized his name forever. If only had received a better example during my life I would not have an inclination to this or that sin. Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. THE DREAM OF PILATE'S WIFE Let’s briefly depart from Pilate’s wife and visit Elijah for a moment. Pilate deliberately and of his own free will condemned the just Son of God to die. We do not know that she became a Christian, but I hope she did. If only I had married another wife or husband. I doubt if anyone ever had a dream which made him send a message to a judge on the bench. — Pilate's Wife "Have nothing to do with that righteous man" is confessing more than innocence; we see that the Lord is our righteousness. The Lord knew he was in a precarious position that would immortalize his name for good or evil to the end of the world. Gain was his object, and pride ruled his heart. We would all agree that Pilate was in a very unusual and dangerous situation. God shall not mistreat any person. Affection has more might than eloquence. It is certain she dreamed about Jesus, and it frightened her. In the goodness of God, Pilate was given an opportuity to mend his ways, correct his life, and save his soul. However, his cowardly fears led him on to the shedding of innocent blood. There are times in the lives of men and women when, though they have been wrong, they have come to pause and deliberate as to their way. That she did the right thing and Pilate did the wrong thing. I earnestly wished to pursue the story of our Savior's trials previous to His crucifixion, but when I sat down to study the subject I … Miracles were used to authenticate and prove the revelations which God made to mankind. If a man‘s wife is distressed it would be sure to weigh heavily with him, for he would not want her to be troubled.. God used probably the only person on earth who might be able to influence him. A few we mention as remarkable, and only now and then one so impresses us that we remember it for years. At a later date, she acquires … The Dream Of Pilate’s Wife “When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have you nothing to do with that just Man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him.” Matthew 27:19 If God wanted this man to have a chance, He wants everybody to have a chance. Let my suffering about this just man be a warning to you; for my sake let Him alone. If he had only listened what a difference it could have made in their lives. My first observation is that in sending this dream to Pilate's wife, God caused this woman to dream for the benefit of her husband, and it is evident that God was giving Pilate a chance to be saved. May the example of Pilate help us to make a wise decision. To send a warning by her was to reach Pilate's conscience through his affections. Next, let us address ourselves to the alarming message he received from his wife. In this apocryphal account, Pilate describes his wife, who is named Procula or Procle, as a God-worshipper, that is, a Gentile convert to Judaism. To stand in judgment on Christ, a divine Being of whom he was ignorant, was a terrible lot to befall any man. Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. You also have Pilate’s wife, from Matthew 27:19. Before I go on, I must pause and make a special remark about Pilate's wife. Though the judge were your own husband, you would be very hard pressed before you would worry him with your dreams while he was occupied with important public business. Pilate’s Wife. He must be given an opportunity to recover himself from irretrievable shame and ruin. A warning to Pilate came from his own wife concerning her morning's dream, warning him not to touch that just Person. He is guilty of moral cowardice in the moment of crisis. He tells some Jewish leaders, “‘You know that my wife is a worshipper of God, and prefers to … Even though the ancients considered dreams a source of revelation from the gods, Pilate ignored his wife’s unwitting warning. Download Audio. You should never interpret any dream you have today as containing a message from God. She felt As if a world, where Jesus dwelt, Had opened, shocking, to her eyes, And God till now was in disguise, And sin was small and self was great, And justice was a balanced hate. But her word was, "Have nothing to do with him." He was in the valley of decision and was about to make a decision that would tell on all of his tomorrows, a decision that would follow him through death and all the way to the judgment seat of Christ. At the very moment he was minded to release Jesus or Barabbas, there came from the hand of God a warning. Just at that moment, you see, when he had sat down on the judgment seat, the warning came to him. This was no ordinary dream, for the hand of God was at work that night when his wife went to sleep. Pilate’s wife may have seen in her sleep the dreadful spectacle of the thorn-crown and the scourge, or even of the crucifixion and the death agony; and truly I know of nothing more calculated to make the heart suffer many things concerning the Lord Jesus than a glance at his death. God does not give miraculous warnings today, but works through the preaching of the gospel. Matthew 27:19 •March 3rd, 2021. We do not know what visions passed before her mind's eye, but it was one which caused her much anxiety. Every Sunday, in churches around the world, Christians recite the Apostle’s Creed. He rejected Christ with his eyes wide open, and that is an awful way of sinning. Said she, "I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him." They milled around for a moment, and in that instant came the strange message from Pilate’s wife that she had dreamed about Jesus and the dream had upset her. Very little, except that she was high-born, Roman, well-educated and wealthy – and the wife of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, at the time of Jesus’ death. Since God created women to be suitable “helpmeets” for their husbands, it is a foolish man who completely rejects the counsel of a loving wife. God sent this dream to warn Pilate, so that his sentence may be his own act and deed, , and that warning was given him through his wife's dream. Her comment to her husband on the dream was, "I have suffered many things in a dream concerning Him." “Have nothing to do with that just Man” – Her warning to Pilate is clear. The Bible says, "The Lord is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). What had he done that made them want to kill him? Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on January 4, 2000. Every accountable prson must answer this question for himself, "What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" On the morning of the trial of Jesus, she sent an urgent message to her husband: ‘I had a … In this little vignette we are reminded that God can use dreams to awaken the conscience. This is the only verse where she is mentioned. Amen. My Lord, make me sensitive to your Spirit and willing to listen to others when I am in danger of sinning against you. The warning came just in he nick of time, or we might say in the nick of providence. During Jesus' trial at the Sanhedrin, Pilate's wife is given a prophetic dream, which causes her suffering and leads her to warn her husband to leave Jesus alone. Her words, any mention of her, is found only in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus gave this command to His disciples, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Tradition suggests the name Claudia or the name Procula, but no name is given for Pilate’s wife in the New Testament. In later tradition, she becomes known as Procula or Procla and plays a role in various New Testament Apocrypha. Pontius Pilate's wife is the unnamed spouse of Pontius Pilate, who appears only once in the Gospel of Matthew, where she intercedes with Pilate on Jesus' behalf. A pagan woman. A warning to Pilate came from his own wife concerning her morning's dream, warning him not to touch that just Person. However, I must say it is … Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen Savior. The terror of the night was upon her, and it threatened to become a terror to her for all her days, and she therefore hastened to stay her husband's hands. If Pilate had dreamed this dream himself, in all probability it would not have been as effective upon him as when his wife dreamed it. One cannot afford to become a Christian and be true and right, for it would cost too much. Your attention is directed to that part of this Bible passage which tells about the dream of Pilate's wife. [ Sermon "Since I have suffered many things today in a dream because of him" is confessing unavoidable suffering; Christ would suffer for us to keep us from suffering an eternity in Hell. As Jesus had to answer at the bar of Pilate, so Pilate must one day answer at the bar of Christ. Little or no attention is given to Pontius Pilate's wife. The Dream of Pilate's Wife Charles H. Spurgeon Matthew 27:19 When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. Sadly, all this providential help was not able to overcome counteracting influences. During this long trial before Roman rulers and judges, no one pleaded for Him but a woman, the wife of Pilate. Whatever it was, she suffered repeated and painful emotions in the dream. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. That warning would forever make it clear that if he condemned Jesus, it would be done voluntarily by his own guilty hands. If he had only listened what a difference it could have made in their lives. In the midst of Pilate’s inner struggle to see Jesus set free, Pilate’s wife came to him with additional troubling news. There is no reason to think Pilate’s wife had ever seen or heard Jesus. The miracles which are recorded in the Bible have fully established the Bible as a book sent from God and have fully authenticated the Christian religion. Therefore, God stepped into the picture and balanced the scales of justice in favor of Pilate by causing his wife to have a special dream. How striking the testimony given by enemies to our Lord; He is to die as a malefactor with the judge's verdict in His favour. Please read the above passage before you read this message. The scriptures do paint her in a rather favorable light, so it is not that difficult to see her as good woman. I do not agree with that notion. God was concerned about this man. Jesus dies for a crime he did not commit, and we are forgiven of crimes we did commit. That Jesus was innocent and Pilate was guilty. In 1 Kings 19, Elijah had to face great evil in the form of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel, and his anger and woe at the injustice dealt to his fellow prophets led him to spend forty days and nights in a cave, weary with anguish, but seen to by angels. Around the cross there gathers grief enough to cause many a sleepless night, if the soul … Print This Post. Even though he was a wicked man, God did not want to mistreat him . As God had done so often in olden times, He sent a crucial message by means of this dream. His name has become a symbol for all the evil that was done to Jesus. This was God's way of warning this man of the great danger he was in and of compensating for the ignorance this pagan ruler had of Jesus. Evidently the people didn’t answer quickly. She did not say, "Scourge Him and let him go." Furthermore, two things happened that clearly showed the providence of God at work. Pilate was the Roman Judge who presided at the trial of Jesus. Verse 19 says, While he was sitting on the judgment seat his wife sent to him saying, "Have nothing to do with that just Man, for I have suffered many things today in a dream because of Him." Third, the message arrives at the very moment when Pilate must make a decision. The providence of God is also seen in the fact that God sent the warning to him through his wife. As Pilate was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much because of Him today in a dream.” We have no idea what her dream entailed or why it caused her such suffering, but what we have here is a word of confirmation from Pilate’s wife to Pilate’s ears. Perhaps he had expressed his uncertainty to her. God speaks to you today through the Bible, and all you need is to know is in the Bible. This past weekend, as I listened to our pastor preach a wonderful Easter sermon, that verse about Pilate’s wife captured my attention. For this reason, God no longer reveals Himself to man by dreams, visions etc. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. There are times in the lives of men and women when, though they have been wrong, they have come to pause and deliberate as to their way. When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, Have you nothing to do with that just man… The wickedness of Pilate forced him to assume all the appearance of weakness. “Jesus is not only innocent but He is righteous. God was with Him in the midst of the darkness, even though Elijah … by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr. A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord’s Day Evening, February 28, 2010 “When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him” (Matthew 27:19). I’ve been awake half the night and troubled most of this morning as a result of … What law, if any, had he broken? "Equipping and encouraging people to keep believing in Jesus", Copyright © 2020 Keep Believing Ministries. Not one creature is to be left out; they must all be warned and all will be warned. “While he was sitting on the judge’s bench, his wife sent word to him, ‘Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for today I’ve suffered terribly in a dream because of Him!’” (Matthew 27:19). Her message amounted to he fact that he should be delivered from his enemies. This amazing spectacle of Jesus standing before Pilate is all the more dramatic when you contemplate that there is to be a reversal of this scene, when Pilate must stand before Jesus as the Judge of all mankind. When a loved one talks to us about Christ, he or she speaks with something better than the tongues of men and angels, for love and affection is used. Preacher: Pastor Greg Bouvier Series: His Story | Our Story Date: March 23, 2014 Pilate's Wife Testifies about Innocence Matthew 27:19 . She must warn him now before he did anything to Jesus, worst of all sentence Him to death. Some commentators trace her dream to the devil who thus hoped to prevent the death of Jesus and so prevent our redemption . I mean, I’m sure I’ve read, or heard, that verse … They consider it too much to lose. Under pressure from the Jewish leaders, Pilate condemned Jesus to death. Pilate’s wife had a dream. Jesus and Pilate (7 of 19) Series: Cross Examination Wyman Richardson Matthew 27:1-2, 11-14, 22-26 Read Matthew 27:1-2, 11-14, 22-26 Two days from now the Greek Orthodox Church will be honoring a rather unlikely saint: Pontius Pilate's wife. She said, "Have nothing to do with this just person.." Most dreams we quite forget. In the first place let us consider Pilate’s Dilemma. She must dream just so and no way else, and that dream must be of such and such an order and none other. Said she, "I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him." It is uncertain whether Pilate was actually married, although it is likely. MenuHome Bulletin Other Sermons. A warning to Pilate came from his own wife concerning her morning’s dream, a vision of mystery and terror, warning him not to touch that just person; “for,” said she, “I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.”. Pilate’s Wife March 14, 2016 “While he was sitting on the judge’s bench, his wife sent word to him, ‘Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for today I’ve suffered terribly in a dream because of Him!’” (Matthew 27:19) God was indeed trying to help this man. After having this dream, she knew that Jesus was innocent, and her husband was in danger of making an awful mistake. But now, there lodged this arrow in When here was a little lull and he was anxious to acquit the prisoner, at that instant the message came from God: "Have nothing to do with that just man." Only three personal names are found in that creed—Jesus, Mary and Pilate. Midweek Lent - 3: Testimonies about Jesus from Unlikely Witnesses. PILATE AND PROCULA. It reads this way: “Born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate.” Yet Pilate knew Jesus was innocent. God's providence still works through concerned husbands, wives, children and friends. What should Pilate do about Jesus of Nazareth? If this man must have a fair chance to save his soul, we must all have a chance. Such things as these are holding some people captives to sin at this very moment. Notice the word “today.” Since Pilate’s interviews with Jesus took place early on Friday morning, this must mean that his wife had the terrible dream sometime Thursday night. He is guilty of condemning a man he knows to be innocent. These words struck Pilate's wife with such A moral force, she lost all touch With crowd and time and Christ. Matthew: Jesus Before Pilate. He had not yet made up his mind what to do; he was still deliberating. Pilate's Wife. All who reject Christ today must do so with their eyes open and must do it deliberately of their own free will. The lesson for us who know and serve Christ is that we must never keep back a word or a warning which may convert someone from the error of his way.

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