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exploitation of animals for entertainment

Animals may rebel against their trainers and resist performing the strenuous movements forced upon them resulting in life threatening injuries and mutilation. Dogs in breeding mills survive in badly kept, cramped cages and holding pens with inadequate food, water, or exercise for weeks to months before they are finally transported to a pet store. The tiger belonged to Safari Zoological Park, a roadside zoo that brings animals to schools, festivals, and store promotions. Numerous incidents of animals escaping from circuses, rebelling against trainers and workers, and injuring the public occur every year around the world. In February 1998 in Lincolnton, North Carolina a leopard nearly killed his trainer after attacking her at a Royal Palace Circus performance. Moments before entering the ring, while out of view of the public, trainers may give the elephants a few painful whacks as a reminder of their dominance and ensure that the elephants perform the specified tricks on command. Get your favorite articles delivered right to your inbox! What about the Jay Owenhouse shows? is prohibited. You can find tigers, lions, bears, sloths, elephants, fish, whales, dolphins, dogs, cats, monkeys, donkeys, horses, giraffes, and camels within the entertainment sector. In the wild, the life expectancy of elephants is the same as ours. An ankus, or bullhook, is commonly used on elephants in circuses; it is embedded into the most sensitive areas of an elephant, such as around the feet, behind the ears, under the chin, inside the mouth and other locations around the face, and is sometimes used to smash animals across the face. Circuses often mislead the public with false claims that the bullhook is only used to guide or cue an elephant, since the elephant is so obedient and submissive to the trainer. Shockingly, there are still industries that profit from animals’ misery in the name of entertainment. It may sadden you to know that your new canine companion more than likely comes from a puppy mill, which the ASPCA defines as “a large-scale commercial dog breeding operation that places profit over the well-being of its dogs—who are often severely neglected—and acts without regard to responsible breeding practices”. Animal rights are defined as rights believed to belong to animals to live free from use in medical research, hunting, and other services to humans.1 Animals have a right to be free of human use and exploitation. 1061 Words5 Pages. (a) The advertisement of animals used in displays for amusement or entertainment purposes in the city, town, municipality, etc. The belief is that anything which entertains us cannot possibly be cruel, which, more often than not, perpetuates cruelty and the abuse of animals. Inadequate exercise and extended periods of standing in wet, unsanitary conditions may lead to foot problems such as foot rot, cracked nails, and infected cuticles. Your donations power the Animal Law Research Center - Give today! Animals often live in cramped spaces, tigers and lions usually live and travel in cages 4 feet by 6 feet by 5 feet. Image source: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals. Animals used by the multi-billion dollar display industry—like those found at SeaWorld and the Miami Seaquarium—include orcas, bottlenose dolphins and sea-lions. In truth, there was a lot of harm going on under the surface of the treats and tricks that carnival circuses offered. Activists have been lobbying the government to ban all forms of animal exploitation for years, but their campaigns have gained traction with the public only recently, thanks mostly to social media. The use of animals to entertain human beings is wrong because: it treats the animal as a means to achieve some human end. Keeping wild animals in captivity constitutes abuse as entertainment. Where do all of the world’s atrocities happen? Exploitation is an act or action that is selfish and will only bring benefit to the. But we have not been listening.". A typical circus act requires that they lie down and rise very quickly several times in a single show. Trophy Hunter Boasts About Making a ‘New Purse’ After Killing Crocodile, 5 Cruel Methods Used to Train Animals That Will Make You Skip the Next Animal Show in No Time, 5 Ways We Can Help Save Bees and Monarchs, How You Can Stop These 4 Industries From Killing the World’s Most Endangered Species, 5 Reasons Why Pit Bulls are Misunderstood, Water Lentils: The Most Bioavailable Source of B12, Chlorophyll: The Lowdown on TikTok’s Latest Health Trend, How Plant-Based Foods Can Help With Nausea and Lightheadedness, 15 Recipes to Immediately Remedy Dehydration and Boost Immunity, 10 Plant-Based Foods to Encourage Healthy Blood Pressure. The trainer suffered injuries requiring reconstructive surgery and hospitalization for a week. Animals don’t like to put on shows—they’re used and abused for the sake of human entertainment. Anytime we steal animals from their natural environment to perform tricks for our entertainment we are wrong, when we force animals to fight, race, sled or even swim with us, we are doing them an injustice. Yet many are imprisoned for life, forced to perform in ways that are unnatural to them and that may result in injuries or even death. Modern humans have dropped most of the savagery. Finally, the circus is not an adequate educational forum for children. No matter how humane the owners and trainers claim to be, the point is animals can’t consent to be used this way. You are completely missing a part of the debate on hunting, and I\’m not sure why this is the most ignored aspect of it on the Internet: many tags are given as part of culling programs to prevent game populations from over population problems such as disease and starvation. With so many animals dying for something that quite possibly every U.S. citizen has the ability to opt out of, it comes as a surprise when the abuse of a single companion animal is met with outrage but the abuse and death of millions of animals is met with complacency. Recently, the documentary “Blackfish” has been tackling the task of bringing to light the unethical treatment of animal participants at SeaWorld following the story of orca Tilikum. Hunting is one of our oldest interactions with other animals and many societies cannot sustain themselves without it. Criticizing zoos, circuses, and other forms of entertainment that utilize animal cruelty and captivity may be the hardest for some, especially those who have fond memories of visiting one of these attractions with their family. While plenty opt for healthier food, this deep fried imagery doesn’t come from nowhere. Many animals are hunted or fished for this reason. On March 14, 2000 in Poland an escaped tiger traveling with a circus attacked a veterinarian before being gunned down by police after a two-hour chase through the streets of Warsaw. Another reason animals are harmed is entertainment. On March 10, 2001 in Kamarkundu, India a tiger suddenly mauled a worker at the Olympic Circus while the animal was being forced to jump through a fireball soon after the show began. Animals are not circus acts or toy trains. 7 Awesome Hands-On Ways You Can Volunteer to Help the Environment, Blueberry Pie With a Heart-Healthy Crust [Vegan], The Devastating Effects of Wildlife Poaching, How to Mimic Chicken Flavor in Vegan Dishes, there is no need for American producers or consumers to continue exploiting animals, In Defense of Animals International (IDA) puts it, there was a lot of harm going on under the surface. A variety of circuses successfully perform without the use of animals, some examples are: The purpose of the circus is to entertain audiences in a traveling show. Since 1990 these incidents have resulted in 43 human deaths, more than 140 human injuries, and the killing of 69 big cats. Another form of animal entertainment, topeng monyet (dancing monkeys), has been banned for encouraging animal cruelty and causing health scares. The lesser myth, that hunters are giving animals a fair chance, can be combated equally as well: unless you train deer to use guns, protective gear, and GPS tracking systems, the hunter has an obvious advantage over the animal, removing the illusion of a “fair” kill. Prohibiting the advertisement and display of animals would eliminate a market for these animals, end their suffering and save human lives. An elephant would not usually perform these abnormal and involuntary movements on command, over and over, hundreds of times a year without the constant threat of punishment. One of the biggest paradoxes about the animal entertainment industries that it isn’t entertaining for animals. Canadian Federation of Humane Societies Position Statements, Animals in Entertainment. Trainer Caught on CCTV Kicking and Slapping Whales. The animal rights answer. World Animal Protection defines wildlife entertainment as using wild animals primarily for entertaining people, in ways that cause harm, stress or discomfort to the animals, or by displaying them in demeaning ways. To force bears, elephants, tigers, and others in circuses to perform confusing and physically demanding tricks, trainers use bullhooks, whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, and … There are variety of entertainment venues animals are used for, particularly circuses, zoos, and aquariums News stories about a dog mistreated by their owner run on stations and signals across the country, but few give the same reaction to the much more widespread slaughter of animals in factory farms. Sign up for daily news from OneGreenPlanet. Mounting evidence shows that there is no need for American producers or consumers to continue exploiting animals for the sake of cosmetics, and with enough effort there will be no sound argument for animal use in the medical industry. A tiger handler had to be airlifted to the hospital after being attacked by a tiger at a roadside zoo in Pearland, Texas in April 1999. The exploitation of animals is not unfamiliar in land animals either, as one of the most popular forms of animal entertainment are zoos, dating back to 1752. The tiger was killed the next day. The living conditions of circus animals are many times inadequate. The most significant way is in the form of hunting and sport fishing. One can plainly see that no one culture is at fault for the entirety of harm, even if we are lead to believe that worse atrocities happen “somewhere else” — some other nation, some other state or province or city, somewhere distant enough that we do not consider ourselves the root of the problem. Four lions were killed in that incident. These wild animals are responding to the harsh conditions and stressful environment of the circus. Especially for the species that tend to roam in the wild, this is a … (Elephant Exploitation - Entertainment - 04) April 23, 2002: Delhi, another Hawthorn Corporation elephant, had severe tissue damage to her front feet and several abscessed areas on her body, including areas on both hips, between her eyes, the anterior portion of her ear attachment, on her head, the elbows of both front legs, and her tail. Several U.S. cities have an outright ban on animal acts and dozens of cities have ordinances restricting or prohibiting specific acts. Elephants are often chained by their front legs, hind legs or both during training sessions, transport and in between shows. "Ankus": also known as a bullhook, is a wooden stick with a sharp, pointed hook at the end, used to control animal behavior. How to Make the Best Vegan Chocolate Cake, Southern Madagascar Faces Serious Drought Related Famine, Tiger King Star Jeff Lowe’s Zoo Was Raided by Authorities, Petition: Pass Stricter Regulations for Live Chicken Transportation. The shows include captive Tigers and they justify the animals involvement in the shows by saying that they donate to relevant charities. In Racine, Minn. on July 27, 2001 a 2-year-old, 400-pound white Siberian tiger was destroyed for rabies tests after he bit a 7-year-old girl. A circus found to be in violation of these provisions will have its permit to perform revoked and will be subject to fines of up to ____ for each day it . People don’t realise how much hardships these animals are put through just for a meal, entertainment, clothing, captivity, etc. Animals used in circuses, and other displays, do not serve as accurate educational tools for children. Any animal in captivity for our entertainment and profit is purely wrong. When performing in the circus ring, an elephant responds to moderate pressure from the bullhook, as well as verbal commands. PETA — whose motto reads, in part, that ‘animals are not ours to use in entertainment’ — notes that the repercussions of this music video could be disastrous. This is a strong case for choosing more compassionate scientific methods for research, since according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund “an estimated 100 million animals are exploited in biomedical, aeronautic, automotive, military, agricultural, and cognitive research and in consumer product testing—95% of these animals are not protected by the law”. "Display": Circus performance, or any other exhibition or act (roadside zoos) where an animal participates in performances for the amusement or entertainment of an audience. The circus worker received 15 stitches on his head, neck, and jaws. This sort of “care” goes doubly for exotic pets which have to travel long distances, many dying on the journey. However, the elephant has often been conditioned through violent training sessions to obey the trainer in the ring or face severe punishment later. Hopefully documentaries like “Blackfish,” as well as websites and activists working toward awareness, can change how we see these practices which are deeply ingrained in our society. Those who believe that hunting is a fair sport claim that hunting is kinder to the animals since they are on equal footing with humans. Wild animals pose a significant danger to audience members, trainers, and the public at large. Some claim that it is done in the interest of preserving the “circle of life” or the ecosystem, others say that wildlife should be treated no differently from the crops that we harvest. While some may criticize fur farming for being “barbaric,” this is no stronger a cruelty than some of what is carried out in animal testing. It doesn’t take much to call out the cruelty involved in the dog and cat meat trade or dolphin slaughter. Some responses to this documentary have been negative, claiming that the documentary is only out to kill the fun (and profit) of others who find the marine parks inseparable from their country’s entertainment. There are many ways in which we try to excuse hunting. This would become very apparent when an elephant would fail to do a certain trick and an awkward pause would rush over the crowd. In Wichita, Kansas in January 1999 a 5-month-old tiger cub bit the throat of a 5-year-old child. This era also saw a rise in some of the street performance of trained animals. Numerous amounts of individuals are causing the animals to suffer just for their own advantage and benefit. Animals are also forced into the role … These weapons are often used to hit and beat restrained animals in order to break their spirits and teach them to be submissive. The Importance Of Animal Exploitation. Captive wild animals can pose a significant danger to themselves and the public at large. They are gunned down in the streets and cities, jeopardizing the lives of everyone involved, including participants in the chase, as well as innocent bystanders. Bears may have their noses broken while being trained or have their paws burned to force them to stand on their hind legs. There are many other ways to have fun without harming other animals. Training for these performances often requires the use of whips, tight collars, electric prods and other shocking devices, ankuses, sticks, axe handles, baseball bats, metal pipes, and other tools. Orcas in the wild exist in tight-knit family groups and can travel over 100 miles in a single day. Please support us! As if that makes it okay? In the wild, an adult elephant lies down in slow, gradual movements about once or twice a day. Organization Saves Endangered Orcas by Planting Trees! A bullet meant for the tiger also killed the veterinarian. Notice: The Animal Law Resource Center does not provide legal advice. In addition, the training techniques, devices, or agents used to make the animals perform are many times abusive, cruel, and/or stressful, causing suffering to the animals and creating a greater threat to the public. Elephants are often forced to perform unnatural movements and difficult tricks in the circus placing a great deal of stress on their muscles and joints. Baby elephants are born in breeding compounds and are often prematurely removed from their mothers for training. "Animals": all vertebrate animals including but not limited to, elephants, big cats, lions, bears, primates, tigers, camels, monkeys, leopards, horses, and dogs. The smaller and poorer the circus, the more limited the animals' access may be to water, food, and veterinary care. Because of the enormous size and strength of elephants, many trainers rely on chains and fear to make them obey. One-Pot Creamy Taco Pasta with Black Beans [Vegan]. Limited numbers of game are allowed to be taken in this way. However, outlawing the use of animals in circus acts would not threaten the industry as many circuses thrive without the use of animals. beaten and mistreated. That history of exploiting animals includes exploiting them for entertainment. The use of animals in circuses as a form of amusement, entertainment or display is detrimental to the safety of the public, including children and trainers. Circus animals may be treated disrespectfully and carelessly, thus endangering the lives of everyone they encounter. Factory farms in the U.S. enforces the slaughter of billions of animals per year, as the Humane Society of the United States reports. Some elephants spend almost their whole lives in chains. Eliminating the use of animals does not alter the objective of the circus in any way. Using animals for entertainment is, like all forms of animal use, exploitative, unfair, unjust and unnecessary. In zoos and circuses, in competitions and in films, animals are exploited regularly for human entertainment. In addition, firearms may be used if these wild animals rebel against their trainer's dominant tactics. The well-known Dumbo lived 20 years in "martingales", chains that ran from his tusks to his feet. If anyone tries to answer this question seriously, they would be met with at least a handful of examples of unethical behavior hailing from every country across the globe. In the simplest terms, animal exploitation in the suffering of animals for the benefit people. However, as In Defense of Animals International (IDA) puts it, “Because state wildlife agencies are primarily funded by hunters and other wildlife killers, programs are in place to manipulate habitat and artificially bolster ‘game’ populations while ignoring ‘non-game’ species.”. 5 Types of Animal Exploitation Considered ‘Normal’ in the US ... Entertainment. The circus may portray the animals as approachable and playful, however these wild animals are often dangerous, unpredictable and uncontrollable. The public is endangered through the use of wild animals in displays because of their unpredictable and uncontrollable behavior. Travel or confinement impairs the animals' physical, psychological, and social needs, while close confinement, lack of exercise, pressure to perform, and other physical requirements of performing render the animals unable to express natural behaviors and socialize appropriately. For U.S. citizens concerned with the welfare of others, it takes strength and compassion to recognize and seek to change the following practices which are so often passed off as commonplace and unwarranted of criticism. Wild animals pose a significant danger to audience members, trainers, and the public at large. Animals in circuses and other displays, are often forced to perform unnatural and unsafe acts. The risk that common breeding practices raises is unquestionably harmful, and yet few have yet to put breeding and pet store cruelty on par with other forms of the confinement and deprivation of animals carried out elsewhere in the world. A traveling show might bring dancing bears to the village or monkeys dressed in human clothing. E-mail mkramer@navs.org. Muzzles may be used on bears and other animals in order to keep them subdued and discourage them from protecting themselves. In West Bengal, India in December 2000 a tiger trainer was mauled to death by three tigers during an act that required nine tigers to jump over her and then pass through a ring. Questions? We light-heartedly call it amusement or sport, … Some examples include: On April 10, 2000 in São Paulo, Brazil five lions used in a circus devoured a 6-year-old boy after one dragged him away from his father and into the cage inside a tent full of spectators. While the calves are separated, ropes may be tied to their front and back legs and can cause rope burns as they struggle against the restraints. Thus, children may draw near or attempt to pet the animals under the often mistaken belief that it is safe. PETA — whose motto reads, in part, that ‘animals are not ours to use in entertainment’ — notes that the repercussions of this music video could be disastrous. But, will it ever be possible to uproot these practices and put in their place more ethical means of research, entertainment, taste and recreation? These animals do not have any place "performing" to please people.They are exploited and forced to live an unnatural life, performing tasks they wouldnt normally do in the wild. An animal has to have the opportunity to BE an animal! It is a form of animal cruelty and can be done in many different ways such as animal testing to farming to cub petting and trophy hunting. These repetitive behaviors can be symptomatic of severe psychological distress. Music, dance, photography, play-acting, sports; the list of the different ways in which we can have fun without using animals is endless! The days of exploiting animals for entertainment are ending. In addition, Finland, Israel, Sweden, Singapore (effective 2002), and Canada (19 ordinances in various provinces and cities) prohibit the use of animals in circuses. Countless numbers of animals … Hold Mining Companies Accountable For Eco Damage, Protect Bees, and Demand Corporations Clean Up Their Plastic Waste: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals and the Planet! These displays do not educate the public on the natural habitat, life-style, or behavior, but rather provide an erroneous perception of the animals. Comments? But whatever the size of a circus, the animals often suffer. Animal exploitation has been going on forever and still is present. According to the documentary’s website, the film “compiles shocking footage and emotional interviews to explore the creature’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity, the lives and losses of the trainers and the pressures brought to bear by the multi-billion dollar sea-park industry.”. Animals that are used for human food, their primary and longest use by humans. The U.S. is known not only for its excessive consumption of animals, but also for its numerous suppliers of meat. The Animal Legal Defense Fund will continue working to end exploitation of animals for entertainment, but we need your help today to make sure this bill becomes law. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Animal exploitation is being practiced all over the world. The circus is not a safe arena for children because the animals may attack trainers and audience members as a form of rebellion. Animals used for entertainment Nonhuman animals are exploited and killed for entertainment. ANIMALS IN ENTERTAINMENT Born Free is wholly opposed to the use of wild animals in circuses and the exploitation of wild animals for entertainment. The United States has yet to place any preventative measures on the use of animal testing for the sake of cosmetics, drugs, or other products. Learn how your comment data is processed. In 1994, officer Blayne Doyle, who had to shoot 47 rounds into Janet, an elephant who charged out of the Great American Circus arena, lamented: "I think these elephants are trying to tell us that zoos and circuses are not what God created them for. If an animal is doing something it would never normally do in the wild, it has probably suffered for your entertainment. Animals are being. Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. Using animals in entertainment spectacles means removing animals from their natural habitat, keeping them confined in cages, and engaging them in unnatural behavior, all for human amusement. From Mexican Street Corn to One-Pot Creamy Taco Pasta with Black Beans: Our Top Eight Vegan Recipes of the Day! The tiger was killed. Violators will be fined up to ___ for each charge of animal abuse and/or a prison sentence up to ___, depending on the severity of the abuse. Individuals with legal questions regarding their specific circumstances should contact an attorney in their state for assistance. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Animal blood sports such as staged fights between bears and mastiffs or between bulls and lions were staged for entertainment. Also, animals are confined for entertainment in places such as circuses, or killed in shows such as bullfights. It’s not about putting animals above humans, or giving them the same rights. The tiger was stuffed and mounted. Wild animals are often unpredictable, uncontrollable, and impulsive. The animals in zoos are provided insufficient space. I remember going to the circus with my mother and sister, the sticky-sweet taste of cotton candy in my mouth, the bright lights and funny carnival workers tumbling in and out of impossibly small clown cars. The harsh treatment and conditions can trigger erratic behavior in the circus animals leading to human deaths and injuries. When a non-US citizen such as myself is asked to identify “The American Diet,” the answer is invariably filled with grilled, battered, or mechanically separated meat products, bacon-wrapped somethings on a stick, and gratuitous amounts of southern fried chicken. 12 Things Dogs Don’t Like That You Are Probably Doing! Circuses, zoos, bullfights, horse racing, carriage horses, cock fights, rodeos are all forms of animal entertainment. Bans toward animal testing for cosmetics have been made in the EU, with similar laws arising in India. While it’s easy to criticize unethical practices that happen outside our own society, the greatest changes come from looking inward to the society we inhabit, acknowledging its faults, and changing it for the better. Bull fighting is probably the most barbaric exploitation of animals that is still legally practised … All the No points: All forms of sport and entertainment that exploit non-human animals should be banned; animals, like … It is very easy to take up the opposition’s challenge to provide concrete examples of cruelty to ani… Pet stores are easy enough to find in nearly any city, and you may think to run to one if in need of a furry friend. The use of animals in circuses as a form of amusement, entertainment or display is detrimental to the safety of the public, including children and trainers. Police wounded two people with bullet fragments as they sprayed the top of the cage with machine-gun fire to scare the lions off the boy's body. Green Monsters, what do you think? The cruel training techniques and unnatural movements can cause physical disorders and illness in the animals. Animal Exploitation in Entertainment Industries. These prohibitions protect the safety of the public, as well as the animals. But where do animals who end up in pet stores come from? exploiter. Bob Dylan sang, “It ain’t no good; … “There are plenty of things we all miss about the ’90s—but animal exploitation isn’t among them,” writes PETA Animals in Film and Television Senior Manager Lauren Thomasson. Their erratic behavior poses a serious danger to adults and children viewing the performance, as well as to animal trainers. As a result of confinement, elephants often sway back and forth in their chains and tigers pace their cages. All we see on the circus stages are the results of inhuman and cruel conditions in which people are putting animals. Safe cosmetics created without the use of animal testing are available, but not widespread, and animal-free methods of testing out various substances have been invented and improved upon and meet or exceed the standard of testing typically expected from animal-based tests.

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