How to make a vision board
I can’t believe we’re only a month till the end of 2017!!! Just a month? Where has the time gone? It’s honestly mind boggling……though I’m also excited for the future. So much so that I decided to make a vision board and share it with you all. Although we shouldn’t wait till the start of a new year to set goals or make resolutions, I feel like there’s something enticing about a fresh start to another year.
You might be asking what a vision board is. It’s a way of depicting one’s goals, dreams, wants and needs. It makes it easier for you to focus on specific goals, attract them into your life and achieve them. Like the Law of attraction, vision boards are based on the premise that everything starts in your imagination or spiritual sight. What you see or imagine on the inside comes alive on the outside. All the hopes and dreams that you illustrate on your vision board will come true but you have to be intentional in order to achieve. For Christians, a vision board could be thought of as being based on a certain verse in the bible which says, “Write a vision and make it plain…for the vision awaits an appointed time…though it lingers, wait for it, it will certainly come and will not delay.” (Habakkuk 2 verse 2 – 3)
How to make a vision board
Step 1 Gather all the supplies you’ll need
- A variety of magazines/newspapers
- A glue stick/push pins/tape
- Scissors
- A push pin board/any kind of surface to stick your pictures
- Favorite laid back music – to get you in the perfect inspired frame of mind
Step 2 Make a list of your goals, hopes, dreams and wants
I kept my list to a maximum of 4 only. More than that would overwhelm me. Once I achieve those, I plan on making another vision board. Don’t forget to also include how you intend to achieve the goals. This step is probably the most important. Dream it. Believe it and DO IT!!
Step 3 Start creating
Find pictures and words that best describe and depict your goals and aspirations. Some pictures are hard to find you might have to print from the internet. One of my intentions is to find a job in the New Year so I collected logos of the companies I would love to work at. The internet was very helpful here because none of the magazines had them.
Step 4 Find the perfect place to hang your masterpiece
Now you can finally hang your vision board. Place it somewhere you can see it every day. Where you can see it and be reminded of what you should focus on. I hung mine in our bedroom. When I wake up I see it. I also move it around the house during the day so I can see it all the time and be continuously inspired.
This was such a fun and fulfilling experience for me. Let me know if you’ve used a vision board before or if you intend to give this a try for the first time.
This is beautiful. What a great explanation.
Thank you Lisa 😊