90 Day Castor Oil Challenge  – 1 Month Update

90 day castor oil challenge – one month update

Hi y’all!! So I thought that I should update you on my 90 day castor oil challenge. It’s been exactly one month (already!) since I started the challenge to see if the castor oil can help regrow my edges. I must be honest and say I’ve started this challenge countless times before but I’ve never been able to go beyond one whole week of being consistent.  This is the first time I’ve managed to stay true for a whole month, massaging the castor oil on my edges every single day. On some days I would actually apply it twice, once in the morning and again before bed.

Just to recap, I was using the Jamaican Black Castor Oil mixed with olive oil (to thin it out) and a couple of drops of tea tree and peppermint essential oils.

The following images show the results after one month of the challenge. I am quite pleased with the results. It looks like some of my baby hairs are coming out and my hair is actually getting thicker! I’m super excited and I cannot wait to see next month’s results.

90 day castor oil challenge - 1 month update

90 day castor oil challenge - 1 month update

I will continue to stay away from single braids and any hairstyles that pull the hair at my edges. At the moment I have crochet twists on. It looks like they are a little tight there but they really are not. Just that I had done them the day before so they were still freshly done.

So this month I made a few changes to the castor oil mixture. Instead of olive oil, I’ll be using Grape Seed Oil, because it’s much lighter than olive oil and so it thins out the very thick castor oil better. I’m not going to be adding the essential oils this time around. For no good reason really, just to see if they really made a difference.

90 day castor oil challenge - 1 month update

So my next update will be in exactly one month. See you then!

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