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prometheus, why did the engineer attack

So, I think that the Engineers and the Predators were at war. Then, the Engineers created humans to be either lab rats for bio-weapons in their fight against the Predators (based on the fact Aliens are so deadly to Predators as well) or even as soldiers since humans tend to be very good in killing every other species they meet in sci-fi arena. Besides, curiosity. He actually does talk to them in a deleted scene: When the Engineer wakes up and David 8 greets him, he stands up and asks why they have come. Note the types of questions she asks: Why did you create us? In interview, when asked about the concept of the Space Jesus, Ridley Scott declared that the idea was ‘too on the nose’. I think that there are two groups of engineers. But we don't have any evidence about what they did to early man. As in Poe's work, the expert hunters are bored killing beasts of lower intellect and so, as a result, prefer the thrill of hunting men. Yet he seemed calm and amused, until he looked at the ill Weiland, who ordered David to ask the Engineer about being immortal, being very arrogant to the gods instead of asking peaceful questions, like "What are we and why are we here?". Look at the way the holographic Engineers run through the tunnels; it's the exact same way the predators run. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. When Elizabeth is talking to David she asks why the Engineers would want to destroy Earth, David replies "sometimes before you can create you must destroy". The very first Engineer was in a robe and while his space ship was a disk while the other Engineers ship was shaped like a "C". To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Clearly focusing on the themes is the solution: fathers and children, the Greek theme of Prometheus, of stealing fire (the first engineer creating life on earth and man becoming capable of such worldly destruction) and the relationship with death and the eternal question of the source of life, must be explored. -1 Engineers are based on the original Space Jockey from. When the film starts, an Engineer drinks the dark fluid, that starts this chain reaction of life. Right from the first scene, we learned their code of willing self-sacrifice in accord with a greater purpose. They're a ritualistic society that has at least a pseudo-religious culture. When the crew of the Prometheus lands on the alien planet, and they enter the tomb their foot steps uncover worms that are preserved in the tomb. So I think the pro-humanity engineers created the xenomorphs as a rather tough solution to fight their counter part. It is strongly suggested that the Engineers had decided to attack Earth long before humans arrived on LV-223. As Jonathan said, we don't have an answer, and probably won't until the next movie, but what I would like to believe is that David said something against Weyland's instruction that led to the attack from the Engineer. For the semantically anal: Isn't the title of the question unanswerable? It only takes a minute to sign up. So they plan to kill entire human race using a biological weapon (parasite plague). Did the black goo affect life forms in different ways in Prometheus? After watching Prometheus I don't have a clear idea of why the Engineers created the human beings. I have a hard time believing their killing the humans because they see them as a threat. thing is, David has no reason or mechanism to disobey Weyland -- David is an inanimate object designed to follow Weyland's orders, just like a toaster is designed to warm bread. What was the motivation behind the Engineers actions in Prometheus? Ridley Scott's "return to the Alien universe" in Prometheus has been the subject of unimaginable speculation ever since the film was revealed to tell a related story - as opposed to serving as an outright prequel. The Engineer doesn't respond violently to this at all. Ridley stated in an interview that there is nothing in the film that indicates these figures were Engineers, and the pointing could have been a warning not an invitation. Whatever reasons the Engineers had for leaving clues on Earth pointing to LV-223, the Engineers that we see in the holograms (including the lone survivor) were not the benevolent gods that the crew were seeking. The psychic atmosphere has changed, because humans - tainted, Space Jesus-killing humans - are present. They are afraid that if human race is left as it is humans might conquer the Engineer's world in future. My first instincts when that scene happened were this: I think the Engineer killed everyone because of David. Because one day, with the aggressiveness we have shown in our history, we would be more deadly than the Predators to the Engineers. lifeform. We crucified the Engineer and apparently they didn't like this. What kind of jobs are available for a quantum logician? They crucified him. Waking up the surviving Engineer did nothing to change his mind about destroying humanity. Prometheus Unbound: What The Movie Was Actually About [cavalorn.livejournal.com/584135.html], An astonishing excerpt from the Movies.com interview with Ridley Scott, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n-tTst-vyQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player, Testing three-vote close and reopen on 13 network sites, The future of Community Promotion, Open Source, and Hot Network Questions Ads. (Who offer a far greater challenge). There was a split in their thinking that lead to war between them. When Elizabeth is talking to David she asks why the Engineers would want to destroy Earth, David replies "sometimes before you can create you must destroy". Can I use only one of my two last names for publishing? I wonder where those worms came from in the Beginning. It did leaves with so many questions. Hopfully we get to find out in a sequal. The Engineers, also known asPilots, Space Jockeys, Mala'kak, or Ossians are the secondary antagonists of the Alien franchise only behindDavid 8. This age was inserted in the movie, in my opinion, solely because it is a strong cultural arch-type. But before he has a chance to respond (if he intended to), David engages him. The best theory about their work on the planet was that it was a military experiment, deliberately isolated from engineerdom because it was dangerous (I think this was the captain's idea). The "Engineers" created humans, or so your led to believe in the movie. In the scene, David (Michael Fassbender) awakens an Engineer from stasis at the behest of Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce). While Michelangelo created many beautiful works of art, there are certainly times when he started out, didn't like what he was doing, and threw it away. The motive of the Engineers did not appear to have been to create future friends or allies on Earth. It is the fifth movie in the Alien franchise, preceded by Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Alien³ (1992) and Alien: Resurrection (1997) and followed by Alien: Covenant (2017).Prometheus is a actually a prequel to the original four Alien films and ignores the storylines of the Alien vs. What did we do wrong? Why does the Engineer turn murderous, seemingly without reason? The movie suggest an unusual timeline for the carbon dating of the alien body - 2,000 years. This could be triggered either by the multifaceted transgressions committed by humans over the span of a millennium, or a specific event that warranted the Engineers to disavow and eradicate mankind as a whole. He will launch. A WMD installation was surely designed to be one of the safest factories but somehow it failed. David woke up the last Engineer on the planet from stasis, which caused him to begin to pilot the ship to Earth, which was stopped in a collision with Prometheus.at the end of prometheus, an engineer is impregnated by a trilobite which was created by doctor Elizabeth Shaw. It's clear they took an active role in making our planet, but they had some kind of agenda that isn't defined in the film. No way to know, I am awarding the bounty to this answer , since he took the most efforts to answer it.. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. The Engineer seemed to be disinterested in the reason for their presence and simply took action to eliminate them as an obstacle for what he was about to do, which was to either destroy or invade Earth. Notice that the surviving engineer did not bother to try and communicate with his homeworld, which leads me to believe that they all must be dead too or they think he is. The Sleeper turns in astonishment. Killing seems to be the thrill of all species on Earth (and possibly across the galaxy). But it ain't just that. Struggling with rolling for stats probability calculation, How to explain why the humans in my setting limit laser weapons to large anti-tank armaments instead of miniaturizing them, rudder-relayd.service: Failed at step NAMESPACE - Permission denied. I would do the same, if I was god and created mankind, and mankind wanted to compare itself to gods. At the start of the film. Also, in terms of body height, the same ways Engineers are an over-sized version of humans, there seems to be two sizes of predators.

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