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ethical treatment of farm animals

Meat eating results in a lot of wastage of food that would otherwise have fed many more people (Trivedi, 2002). Relativism is no absolute truth. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, The input space is limited by 250 symbols. Animal exploitation can take many different forms, mostly debated are testing for medical reasons and practices of slaughtering them for food. When referring to the ethical treatment of animals it seems as though everyone has an opinion. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Giuseppe Pulina, Ph.D. is Full Professor of Animal Science at the Department of AGRARIA, University of Sassari (Italy) where he teaches Ethics and sustainability of animal production for graduate students, and Ethics of scientific research for Ph.D. students. “Factory farm” is a term commonly used to describe an industrial facility that raises large numbers of farm animals such as pigs, chickens or cows in intensive confinement where their movements are extremely inhibited. This is not merely a problem of distribution. Of all the agricultural land in the US, 87% is used to raise animals for food. There are those that wonder what is the right and wrong way to treat animals. They deserve to be respected. The giant corporations that run most factory farms have found that they can make more money by cramming animals into tiny spaces, even though many of the animals get sick and die. Yet not that long ago it was normal to fish, kill a rabbit, participate in a slaughter party, or kill a wild animal with your own weapon and then skin, gut and eat it. When it comes to animals the range can be very vast from extreme animal haters to extreme animal lovers, the first group can be very cruel to animals and have no concern for their welfare, and the second group has more of a tendency to treat pets as idols and worships them, treating them as equals. Welfare of experimental animals in the UK, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection. I believe that it makes these individuals feel superior and in control and gives them a sense of power. Animal cruelty is quite common in domestic animals, animal shelters euthanize more animals then the adopt out recent studies show that 95 percent of the animals that are taken in by animal shelters are killed and less than one percent are adopted out to families (PETA, 2011). (2007). Firstly, we are the only animal that has the power to do harm on a grand scale, to devastate the environment and hold the power of life and death over other species in the full knowledge of what we are doing. Take cage-free eggs, for example. I see two important factors that differentiate us from the rest of the animal kingdom when it comes to our treatment of other species. Ethics and Vegetarianism. Those who would answer that question in a negative way are believed to dismiss animal claims all together. From this point of view it would be said that it is ethical to harm an animal if the benefit is greater than the amount of harm that is caused to the animal. Since that time, the way in which "food animals" are treated has not changed; it is still abysmal. Animals are often exploited for many different uses; the reason is that they are much like humans. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. Domestication is a long-term process involving artificial selection This code is like an unwritten agreement between livestock farmers (those who raise animals for food) and the animals themselves. It gives voice against four major issues regarding treatment of animals such as fur farming, using animals for entertainment, factory farming, and animal testing. Many have a difficult time seeing this as an actual ethics issue facing the agricultural industry. PETA promises to protect animals from misconduct, abuse, brutality, and inhumane slaughtering. 7) Are animals entitled to moral consideration on their own behalf? In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Ethics & Behavior, 2(3), 141-149. I will also discuss relativism as it relates to the ethical treatment of animals. The world produces enough vegetarian food to feed more than 15 billion people. Luke, B. I do not believe that is acceptable to use animals in medical research. This article looks into the ethical treatment of both farm animals and animals used in scientific research. Subject: Legal certainty on the ethical treatment of farm animals Answer in writing A study by Professor Donald M. Broom at the University of Cambridge entitled Animal welfare in the European Union has highlighted a considerable regulatory void regarding a number of types of farm animals. Retrieved 3/9/05, http://www. This includes buying organic—which is a system of raising animals, not just produce, according to federal guidelines. They do require them to report how many dogs, cats, sheep, hamsters, and primates they use in animal research. Ethics, 109, 645-48. The majority of consumers seem tragically wrong about what they eat. That is a question that has been debated by many. I am an animal activist and stand in favor of the protecting of animals; I cannot stand for animals to be mistreated in any way. I do not have anything against people that eat meat; it is just my personal choice to be a vegetarian. I personally believe that it comes down to an individual’s moral beliefs, and what they feel in their heart of hearts is right or wrong. Antibiotics are often laced into animal feed; it is used to both promote growth and importantly to fight animal disease associated with close confinement and stress associated with close confinement. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (2003). (Ethics & Social Responsibility-1. We should stand together with The Humane League for the ethical treatment of factory farm animals. It is unethical for a human to take an Animal out of its natural habitat to be prodded, poked, tested, and in constant pain. Other people may admit that animals are entitled to moral consideration will often give the problem a very low priority rating, never really stepping up and taking a stand against the cruel and inhumane treatment of animals (Midgely, 1983). (2017, Jan 24). However, we seem to overuse and/or misuse our “natural rights” and take too great an advantage of other animals. The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) has laid down five 'freedoms' to which farm animals should be entitled: Official codes of practice in the UK say that all farmed animals have basic needs that must be satisfied to ensure the animals' welfare. Some of the worst examples of abuse are found in factory farms where animals may literally never see the light of day or be afforded enough space to even turn around. Animals are kept in cages or … It confuses me that there are people that believe that it is ok, acceptable or not as bad to kill a cow, a pig, lamb or a chicken however they are completely against the killing of animals such as dogs and cats. A utilitarian accepts two moral principles; one that is equality which says that every beings interest counts equally. Applied ethology has a continuing interest in the promotion of animal welfare and the ethical treatment of animals used in research” (Myers, 1990). The problems dealt with daily are some case of animal ruthlessness such as consuming animals, using them, experimenting on them, utilizing for entertainment, or abusing them in any way. They are constantly made to suffer by our abuse. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that places the focus of right or wrong solely on the consequences or outcome of choosing one action over another. Decisions regarding the animal's welfare must be based on this assumption unless there is evidence to the contrary, An animal which develops signs of pain or distress of a kind and degree not predicted in the proposal must have the pain or distress alleviated promptly, If severe pain cannot be alleviated promptly, the animal must be killed humanely forthwith, Alleviation of such pain or distress must take precedence over finishing a study, Scientific and teaching activities which may cause pain or distress of a kind and degree for which anaesthesia would normally be used in medical or veterinary practice must be carried out using anaesthesia appropriate to the species and the procedure, When it is not possible to use anaesthetics or analgesics, such as in certain toxicological or animal production studies or in animal models of disease, the end-point of the experiment must be as early as possible to avoid or minimise pain or distress to the animals. Almost 20 years ago, thanks to the good work done by animal welfare groups, I became aware of the conditions and treatment of animals in factory farms and decided to become a vegetarian. The Australian code, which covers all live non-human vertebrates, is a good example of an attempt to minimise the suffering of animals used in research. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (CSS) if you are able to do so. It is almost impossible to count up how many animals are used for research. This quote expresses the fact that power can be abused and some infamous cases in history has shown that this can end in a … The ethical aspects of regulating production. Swanson, J. C. (2008). Just because “we are the only animal that is clearly aware of our own morality” we should not think of ourselves as mightier or worthier creatures. Animals and why they matter (p. 26). Audi, R. (1999). While the code still allows the use of individual pens or stalls by July 1, 2024, since stalls have a life of 15 to 20 years, many additional facilities should have transitioned away, or be close to transitioning away, from crates by that date (although some could be in used up until 2033 if they were built or rebuilt last year! He was President of the National Conference of AGRARIA (former conference of the Deans of Agriculture) and, for a 3-year … Some people are “meat eaters” and consume meat at nearly every meal. It is my belief that animals are living breathing creatures capable of feeling pain, pleasure, and suffering just as humans do. Education could be a very valuable tool in helping people to understand that we can live health lives without consuming animals. So it really just comes down to personal preferences (Swanson, 2008). Retrieved from, This is just a sample. These animals are fed more than 80 percent of the corn and 95 percent of the oats the US produces. . (1992). I see this kind of treatment as immoral; I view it as completely wrong. Relativism is no absolute truth. Animal ethics is a branch of ethics which examines human-animal relationships, the moral consideration of animals and how nonhuman animals ought to be treated. PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS,’325,000 STRONG, ASSUMES INFLUENTIAL, CONTROVERSIAL… Chronicle of Higher Education, 37(6), A21. Animals potentially have deformities and even death from this process. Assuming that tyranny is not a desirable thing, I would argue that such power brings an immeasurably greater responsibility to refrain from exercising our destructive tendencies Secondly, we are the only species that has to any great extent evolved the luxury of choice. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. View Essay - Encouraging Ethical Treatment of Farm Animals from ENC 1102 at Florida Atlantic University. I will also discuss relativism as it relates to the ethical treatment of animals. Why should animals die because of a scientific experiment? The Livestock Farmer's Code of Ethics. Introduction PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an American organization for animal rights. Ethical issues regarding pain in animals. They often sit in their own urine and feces. We are incapable of feeding just 6 billion. http://ashford. A huge amount of this food is force-fed to farm animals for meat production. I applaud Ms. Gibson's approach in this article. The responsible wool sourcing includes responsible sheep breeding and farming,and gentle shearing of animals,and obtaining wool fibers that do not harm the animal in a reasonable way. Industrial farming has replaced many of the family farms around the world and the end game for them is profit from the product they farm. Meat animals of the world alone consume food equal to caloric needs of 9 billion people- more than the entire human population on earth. Scientific and teaching activities involving the use of animals must be as brief as possible, Animals must be transported, housed, fed, watered, handled and used under conditions which are appropriate to the care of the species, The welfare of the animals must be a primary consideration in the provision of care which should be based on the behavioural and biological needs of the species, the research cannot be done without animals, the likely costs of the research are weighted against the potential benefits in a cost-benefit assessment, and the benefits are deemed to be greater, the minimum number of animals will be used, researchers and technicians are trained and experienced in animal testing, the research premises have facilities for animal care.

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