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borders closed till 2022

Now, I find myself questioning what being Australian means. See my friend, to do checks and implement process and procedure require intelligence, common sense, and willingness to do a proper job but these qualities are absent . Variants make vaccine efficacy uncertain. There’s no need for us “dirty and sick” vaccinated Americans in Australia or those poor Australians being barred from returning home. ≥14 days after second dose 89.5 % protection, the B.1.351 variant‡ His feedback come as a new opinion poll reveals an amazing majority of individuals are supportive of the international border remaining closed. But it’s become hysteria with a zero-tolerance policy. @Ben and @Max, So please don’t use the virus as an excuse of how well we’re ‘managing’ the pandemic. I am an Australian who prior to Covid travelled to the USA monthly to see my children and family. I would like to point out that I disagree with the Federal (ironically autocorrect changed it to feral) Government’s stance. It’s easier for them to determine who in Australia has been vaccinated, but each country has their own processes for administering the vaccine and recording who has received it and it’s a matter of reconciling those and the trustworthiness of any overseas covid vaccine passport (or whatever document that country uses) with who they feel safe letting into the country. Covid will not disappear – mankind has eliminated only one infectious disease, smallpox, in our history, and it took many decades of global effort and a nearly perfect vaccine. Because they want total control, because in the name of safety they hide their zero intelligence to make a project to work. If we’re going to have colossal rorts, and we are always going to have colossal rorts in Australia, at least we might as well get something useful once in a while. Unless you are about to expire, 1.5 year is not that big of a deal. If you’re going to forbid vaccinated travelers to your country it’s only fair that your people be forbidden to visit another country. As many commentators on here are from USA (and as it seems to be the benchmark for COVID handling comparisons) i’ll use that. Those people absolutely have a right to leave. It’s the same story for other Asian countries (Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam) where a few cases will cause a massive shut down and widespread panic mode. Unfortunately it is not all roses in the world of vaccines. Mr Morrison said it is still not safe to allow fully-vaccinated residents to travel overseas, despite anger from separated families and businesses hit hard by the pandemic. I have a god-given right to go anywhere in the world I want. I completely agree with your comment about the vaccine and giving people confidence in it as the solution. Just leave your passports and visa/citizenship papers at the door as you leave. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Australia closed its international borders in March 2020, mostly to non-citizens and permanent residents, helping keep its COVID-19 numbers relatively low at just under 30,000 cases and 910 deaths. I sometimes do travel overseas for work but wont until I’ve had both doses of the vaccine, even if permitted to travel earlier. We have a blessed lifestyle and don’t want it destroyed by opening the borders to COVID infected travellers. Pubs and clubs are open. The tide is turning against restrictions for Australians leaving the country , but there is still strong public support for tight controls on arrivals. Do I wish that those with close relatives and friends overseas could be re-united – certainly. Governments have no right to limit my mobility. My comment to Pearl concerned ever-present costs. Remember Australia is also dealing with a permeable border to our north with Papua New Guinea that looks like it is heading for a pandemic disaster similar to India. As far as comparing our PM to Trump is concerned, they both share fascist tendencies, neither are especially bright, both have no empathy, neither care for the rule of law, and both have over-inflated opinions of themselves. Australia’s trade minister said the country’s international borders may not completely open until the second half of 2022, a longer-than-anticipated closure … You’re getting way ahead of yourself as to Australia’s population: it’s a tad over 25million, not 35million. Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. Unfortunately I was in Portugal. Participant. If they are waiting for Covid to go away worldwide before opening up, then they are going to be closed off for many, many years. At some point safety has a practical limitation. No we have no hope whatsoever and yes I am one of the depressed, despondant Aussies refered to above. It's all about the rate of return. He can keep it mine as well. However also in the last year they have made it impossible for real people, unlike tennis stars and apparently fruit pickers to find any way back home this side of nearly $20K and a six month waiting list. seems pretty dangerous. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. The vaccine program is stuffed due to basically relying on 1 vaccine for most population which due to the blood clots issue is now for over 50s only. Now, look at Mexico, the most wide open country for the past year. Those are different arguments to have. If they remain on track, they would have 8 million New Zealanders vaccinated by the beginning of December (out of a population of 10 million). For context for American readers here, reading news.com.au is akin to consuming garbage from Fox News (same ownership unsurprisingly) and Newsmax. Opinions expressed here are the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. @SteveFromMelbourne We can live happily as EU citizen in Europe ! We didn’t have hospital crisis from covid but we had serious mental health hospital crises particularly over Victoria’s lockdown. We don’t know what the virus can do to us in the long term so if we can be protected and wait for a vaccine then that’s as good of a protection as we can get for now. @ MDA – that is absolutely perfect for you and that’s why I mentioned that Australia should close their borders forever. Fear sells in Australian politics … like really sells. The government are using the population as political prisoners saying the border will remain closed indefinitely. No reciprocity! A University of Sydney task force examining how Australia can safely reopen this week went further, warning the country 'cannot continue to lock itself off from the world as a hermit nation indefinitely'. Since when is a virus a government problem? I even sponsored my American spouse for a partner visa back in 2018. It sounds like what the Australian government are trying to figure out is not so much whether the vaccines are effective or not, but rather how do we create a system to ensure we know which Australians have been fully vaccinated (and can therefore travel internationally), and also how do we ensure that those who are visiting Australia are fully vaccinated. And when the election is over, just like Western Australia and Queensland in particular, that advocated for border closures for weeks at a time over a single case before the elections, both states now have moderated their approach post election towards remaining open with snap lockdowns for very short periods of time. Melbourne’s lockdown arrested anyone who even suggested organising a protest against the government. ScoMo has done a great job keeping up all safe. The Federal Government ( dominated by creepy Trumpists) has been hopeless; it will be kicked out at the forthcoming election. The question really is, how the two approaches will eventually reconcile? KEVIN, Australia is a momnumentallly corrupt country so if your rich enough and mates with the liberal party then you are allowed out for ‘important business reasons’, and even allowed to quarantine at home. covid at all costs, you’re slammed as a murderer. I’m happy with that. The federal government shouldn’t be left to organise a chook raffle let alone something of this magnitude. They send pictures of camping, partying, enjoying life that make me so jealous. If the Titanic was Australian, those Administrators in the life boats would be pushing back other Australians back into the water to save their own skin. What’s our citizenship worth ? (except Victoria – sorry) and covid numbers overall have been minimal. Nuance is the key. Discussions with family in Australia reflects their outright fear of a single case. All states should adopt this style of quarantine accomodation to be able to quickly scale up and get people home, while remaining away from the population centres. Vaccine certifications are already common place for stuff like yellow fever, so it’s not uncommon already. We’d like to go to Italy, but we can’t. I also worry at the economic toll this is going to take on my daughter and niece and nephew who will be paying for many years to come. I am an Australian living in Perth and it is brilliant. I wonder what most Australians think about this. “We recognise that if Australians want to be kept safe and secure, and given uncertainties that exist not just in the speed of the vaccine rollout but also the extent of its effectiveness to different variants of COVID, the duration of its longevity and effectiveness, these are all considerations that mean we won’t be seeing borders flung open at the start of next year with great ease.”. The majority of Australians who are in Australia and choose to live in Australia and choose to work in Australia have zero sympathy for those who left and now want to come back. Australia has done a lot right leading to us only having 910 deaths (about 35/million population). You can’t understand Australia’s strategy. Australia 10% Surprising how many stories you’ve posted about Australia, considering you have “no skin” in the story. Then allowing their own vaccinated citizens to travel abroad and return (without quarantine either!) If you emigrate to Australia you are supposed to sign a declaration that this is the country and its society that you wish to become part of. Given how careful Australia has been, I suspect they won’t open up their borders even to vaccinated tourists until all adults AND children have been vaccinated, or at least been given the option to be vaccinated. It comes after Austalian public health physician Nathan Grills and epidemiologist Tony Blakely in February warned that if 'zero Covid-19 is the endgame, then international travel is years away', adding that having no Covid-19 cases is a 'pipedream'.Â. Surely, Australian citizens have the right to decide their own personal risks regarding travel once the country is sufficiently vaccinated by end of year. If you take COVID fatalities in US against total population and apply to Australia’s population, over 40,000 people could have died in Australia had a similar approach in handling the situation been applied. So much for the image of the travelling Aussie or the multicultural country. The email basically said they are seeing a spike in Canada apparently and there is talk the border could be closed until spring of 2022. “We are forecasting that channel to be below 10 per cent and in some instances, in high single digits either next 12 to 18 months. Anyone eagerly looking to travel north into Canada, or south into the United States in the near future - don't hold your frozen breath. Last year I didn’t have to wear a mask at all (even on airplanes) although that’s now been introduced, I was able to go to full sporting matches and pack into bars with limited distancing without any concern of getting sick or most importantly myself making the people around me sick. No, I acknowledge there have been mistakes, esp. Totally and completely unacceptable. @Morgan I can go out and do all those things too. I know almost no one anywhere else in the world who tested positive with severe restrictions, yet cases climb, even with vaccines. 'I have seen the suggestions from others who seem to think that we can put people who have tested COVID-positive on planes and bring them into Australia,' he told reporters. It’s already sometimes a bit difficult to live far from your close relatives, but if you need to wait 2-3 years to see your family again because you’re locked down where you live (even if Australia is a lovely country and huge), I’d say that’s a pretty big issue. Then a quick trip to Port Douglas and back to Sydney again. But sadly the real numbers do not yet support the world throwing off their masks, dancing in the streets and travelling freely everywhere. Had all travel been stopped at the outset we would be enjoying the freedoms the people of Australia are enjoying. When I hear that someone is saying that travel is privilege makes me vomit. I don’t want to live in a city where I am fearful of going outside my house. Their tourism is more that 30%. In our day to day existence, Hugh and I are both vaccinated against flu and covid. With that said, I don’t see myself flying over there anytime soon due to long flight time and frankly Qantas F is just ok…. When zero-tolerance policy turns into zero-tolerance at any cost policy, does the calculus still make sense for them? And you’d be out of you money without a right to any refund. Australia is unlikely to reopen its borders to the majority of international tourists until the start of 2022 at the earliest. How do we feel about closed borders? People saying things like why do we need to get out for a holiday when we have wear masks and follow protocols. The real reason re-opening is delayed is the totally inept procurement of publically acceptable vaccines and the rollout. I have to continue wearing a mask, but it’s worth it. I’m also happy that my friends with joint residency/citizenship, and sufficient means have been able to come out here from the UK and enjoy the freedom we have, rather than the hideous lockdown and daily death rates they have in the tens of thousands – until recently. Age discrimination at its finest. So sad, how do you tell your father you won’t be there for yet another birthday. The problem is now the emerging variants which, according to the New England Journal of Medicine reporting yesterday, are actually not being well protected against by Pfizer vaccine if you only have 1 dose and not great even if you have two. I fully support their decision to protect the country, with it being largely normal as of now as compared to the rest of the world, but they need to be more inclusive of the people who have made Australia their home, and find solutions for us. I envy the countries who at least trust their citizens to quarantine at home. Well due to our very incompetent liberal gov unfortunately, I am not allowed to go back to see my family in the country of my first citizenship. I agree with everything ED said above but just wanted to add another human dimension to it. You can’t claim you believe in the science/medicine, rollout the vaccine then say “tough. So, there is not much virus and being not much, then people are not very willing to go to get the vaccine, and this is another factor which slows down. Initially it seems like it was a great use due to being able to support those businesses, close to major hospitals etc if anything went wrong. @Vago says “We are happy to bide our time, and safely, extend our international bubbles and open our borders.” We have loved ones who may or may not be related to us in the traditional family sense. A really minor correction…the 6million Australians living in Victoria endured one of the harshest lockdowns in the world for over 4 months. 21% of the ballot respondents stated the border re-opening ought to tie in with the vaccination rollout. People who work in travel businesses can refuse on the basis of safety. Vaccines are about 70 to 90% effective at preventing infection, which is great (more than most other vaccines, hello flu) but i guess they won’t care. Complete families would go through the cycle of birth and death without physical contact with their relatives overseas. Modern slavery, at work, and being cheered by the press. Why not fine those who break the home quarantine with a huge fine, $20,000 at least and loss of passport? How dare he says that ? It seems like Covid-19 will be with us for years to come. I’m feeling increased depression and anger over the travel situation, I don’t expect to travel international immediately but was feeling somewhat optimistic of late this year or early next year not any more. There’s no point in babying or sugarcoating this. Just like in the USA, the vaccination clinics for each of us were nearly all Caucasian faces. As for your point: “if Australia is such a horrible place to live, why do 9000 Australians in India suddenly want to come back to the Nanny state? We have Pfizer and Astrazeneca. Our lives were far from normal. This week, only 7am-9am. Mark my words, as soon as the federal election is over, we will see a subtle language change in the government moving from “CovidSafe policies” towards being “CovidAware” and we will all get back to normal with an increase in political scriptwriters using the lines of “proportionate and reasonable” replacing the overused “quick and decisive action” when describing political strategy to the citizens on the channel 7 news. You do not have a right to travel anywhere else. Follow the science! And finally there is Corona — in certain times, certain rights can be restricted for the protection of all. Events and exhibition industry calls for government to dispel fears about public… Comments are closed… The other thing of course is our federal government here in Australia is thoroughly useless and doesn’t really have any idea. Why not this incapable team in government does not make the following plan: 1) who want to go goes but is not asking for help to return. The Australian economy has done reasonably well recently; it is not dependent on tourism ( in fact it’s a net gain, as Australians spend x3 on overseas travel than inbound receipts). Deny all you want but facts don’t care about your feelings. Though the national immunisation drive missed its initial dosage targets, officials have ramped up the vaccination programme administering one million doses in the last 17 days. Let me start by saying that I’m no doctor, epidemiologist, or economist. And the border closure is separating families and it’s truly saddening to be at the other end of it. Yet governments continue to experiment despite the people and economy, especially places heavily dependent on tourism. They are going beyond anything that is needed, and they will pay a steep price for it (or at least its citizens will). USA 32%, Partial Vaccinated I’m in Nepal right now, total lockdown, only food sellers and pharmacies are open. The reason Morrison is delaying reopening, regardless of a vaccinated population until well into 2022 is because that is when the next full election is, any time before September 2022. We go swimming every day, visit friends, have dinner parties. I coughed a bit more than normal? – and to mention to an above comment , we do not travel mainly for holidays but to be reunited with rest of family and friends scattered around Europe and North America. Until then it was common for people in Australia to make maybe one and usually no trips to the USA or more popularly the UK/Europe. As an Australian who has lived in the US the last 3 years, I am filled with despair as my family live in Melbourne and I am struggling to get back to see them. Something that Aus government will make even harder to leave the Country because they can and they are doing it. Spot on, Morrison is playing a political game. You are plainly happy to overlook its unimpressive, recently pumped up maximum 73% efficacy, and the pesky multiple blood clots recipients are reportedly suffering. I hear your pain and those of millions of others. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. They also point out that Australia's vaccination strategy is lagging behind much of the developed world, and the country relies on importing doses. Confirmed: Australian borders will be closed until 2022 Australian authorities have stated that the country’s borders will remain closed to … Morrison has now gone beyond sound decision making, something he has never been capable of anyway as it took the states to close borders before he made a panic (about his own leadership position) to close borders. For eg they let in major tennis players early this year who jumped the queue for quarantine places. Most recently a Victorian proposal to build a dedicated facility, which if we have closed borders for another year we will definitely be needed. Time will tell, but either way the current choices by far and large have left us with ability to live a mostly normal life, go to office, pubs and clubs since mid last year. Note: Please see my Advertiser Disclosure. I just hope that America and other countries bar vaccinated Australians from travelling until there is some reciprocity. With the country’s zero-tolerance policy for coronavirus, it makes sense that the borders have been closed. Australia was a great place to be in 2020 – maybe the best in the world. And go back to policies that haven’t worked for a year and think now they will? ', He called for improved quarantine facilities and vaccination efforts to permit borders to slowly open.Â. Get the damn vaccine needs to be the message to everybody. Economy will go to the drain- forget the market bubble which is over inflated inside share market but when the results will come from zero turism from overseas and very little from inside then the real collapse. I wish I could visit soon but that will just be postponed! I would need to do more research to see how this applies, but based upon this, it seems that restricting travel does infringe upon rights if this premise is correct. Yes! Some still seep through the cracks, but overall it has worked for them. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. Opening for travel doesn’t mean you have to go. @Pearl, there was a cost to be paid regardless… either the cost of shutting down, or the cost of staying open and allowing the virus to run wild, or the costs of both in some kind of haphazard hybrid $#itshow like we had in the US. Australia has no plans to reopen its borders anytime soon, and quite to the contrary, doesn’t plan on welcoming visitors on a widespread basis until later in 2022 at the earliest, regardless of vaccination status. 'We will be guided by the economic advice. Because of the lack of covid in Australia, they want to be absolutely sure that they don’t leave any holes in this process so need to create a foolproof way of doing this. It depends which state you are in as to the response. The top country I want to return to is Japan who at this stage don’t appear to have any plan for tourism reopened borders either but they’ll likely still be far ahead of Australia in that regard. Heard also that UK and Portugal is relaxing restrictions from 17 May – don’t remember exactly because my mind is focused on the part that it will be even harder to leave the ” Lucky Country ” ” for some ” . In WA – a single case meant a three day lockdown. Families have been torn apart with parents and children, spouses etc stuck overseas. I support your suggestion that the 8 million “Australians” not born in Australia but now living there who want to go home should be allowed by law to leave. I would dearly love to travel to Australia and see my parents. Australia closed its international borders in March 2020, mostly to non-citizens and permanent residents, helping keep its COVID-19 numbers relatively low at … I ask a simple question .We all seem to want travel to be covid safe. I have a job, a mortgage and an American spouse. Might not be the majority of people but so many are desperate and tired, and suffering from an extreme mental health toll. Unfortunate for Australian citizens, this right doesn’t exist in Australian constitution which makes it impossible to drag Australian Government by the collar in front of International Court of Justice. Australia's international borders will remain shut until 2022, Josh Frydenberg says A file photo of travellers at Sydney Airport. As for those Australians trap in India, why not repatriate them back and quarantine them in hotels for three weeks. There is a fork in the road moment for openness versus closedness.'Â. I also feel it’s important to point out the reality of the “poor Australian citizens” “stuck” or “barred” from returning “home”. Any case suddenly requires that anyone visiting the same venue be tested AND still be placed in quarantine for two weeks. Hawaii was a mess despite restrictions, Canada is a mess, New York’s governor is probably responsible for killing more Americans than any other person in history, it’s just poor leadership. If one looks at the wave consuming Alberta Canada where infections are the highest ever by population in the world, and almost all of them variants, a sensible person might want to be very careful about traveling to another country until a month after the second dose. I haven’t needed the government to mandate me to do anything with a heavy fist. Wish there was more of an emphasis on the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and naturally boosting your immune system instead of this crazy isolation lockdown with no real end date! For US citizens, international travel is a right (here is an excellent law review article on the subject). I’m Australian and love travelling overseas as often as possible- not really feasible now unless for business etc. There are Australians still unable to get home, all the while inflation and other macro issues are beginning rear their ugly heads. First of all, Ben thank you for continuing to blog about the plight of Aussies who are trapped in a gilded cage. #ScottyfromMarketing) complete with outsized megaphone, ever careless with the truth, is not to be taken seriously. Yes they have had it good unlike Melbourne but again what is the cost?

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