rahim khan letter to amir
Amir formally meets Sohrab - the showdown at Assef's didn't really allow time for chitchat. Rahim Khan's response is to hand Amir a letter. What does Rahim Khan finally reveal to Amir? - SidmartinBio Amir is not. How does Amir react. Amir's reaction is that of guilt and sadness for Amir is told he died only a few days later. He hands a letter to Amir, from Hassan which describes some of the horrors of Afghanistan. All of Baba's good works, including the orphanage and his many works of charity, were a way of redeeming himself for his sin. Rahim Khan's failure to answer Amir's question suggests that something bad may have happened to Hassan. His letter, which explains why they keep "Amir in the dark" illustrates the pain Baba faces as a "man torn between two halves", a parent . What was Hassan's final sacrifice for Amir and what did it indicate? Kabul is a dangerous place . After receiving a letter from Rahim Khan, Baba's best friend asking him to go back to Afghanistan to pick up Hassan's son, Sohrab who lost both his parents and . But before I do, I want to tell you about Hassan". What is your reaction to Rahim Khan's letter to Amir? Hassan and his wife were massacred and their Sohrab is in an orphanage in Kabul. By norafay. 14. The letters are very warm - Hassan doesn't hold any grudges against Amir. Do you feel that Baba was a good man? 15. The key is to a safe-deposit box that contains a significant amount of money that should cover Amir's expenses. Rahim Khan leaves a letter in Pakistan to apologize for hiding Baba's secret from Amir. Rahim Khan knew that Amir would overcome the guilt and in the end, one reason Amir conquered his guilt was because of the words from Rahim Khan's letter, "Forgive your father if you can. Amir is amazed, for even in the photo, Hassan "exuded a sense of self-assuredness, of ease" (189). At the end of the letter Rahim knows that God will forgive Baba, Amir, and himself for they have done. Why has his life been a lie? It has a photograph of Hassan with his little boy, Sohrab. I think that Baba was a great person, as he just wanted to . Amir asks if Hassan is still in Baba's house, and Rahim Khan hands him an envelope. Describe Amir's character as he embarks on his journey of redemption 2. Amir is cleary . The photograph is of Hassan and Sohrab and Rahim is right: Amir would have recognized him anywhere. He also knows, however, that "real good" came out of the guilt both felt over their actions. 16. Rahim Khan gives Amir an envelope. Rahim Khan is relating this quote to the experience that hasn't left Amir's mind since it occurred. He is basically saying that if Amir hadn't been feeling terrible about not sticking up for Hassan years before, then Amir wouldn't be a good person. The tone of the letter is that of one friendly and of someone who wants to talk to someone they've missed. What information does he reveal? Rahim Khan has left town, leaving a letter for Amir. He hopes Amir will do the same. because Rahim Khan gave Amir a journal which Amir was really happy to get because he loves to write stories and Rahim Kahn knew Amir Why does Amir ask Baba if he had seen the new watch? Rahim Khan believed that all of Baba's charity was in atonement for his sin. He said he had left money for Amir in a safety deposit box, which the key would open. Note the significance of Rahim's statement, "There is a way to be good again." (p 192) Discuss Rahim's rationale for staying in Kabul under both the Northern Alliance and the Taliban rule. Why do Sohrab and Amir travel to Islamabad? Do you feel that Baba was a good man? Rahim Khan gives Amir a notebook in which to write stories, and the chapter ends with fireworks, illuminating the night sky, and a brief image of Hassan . 4. Rahim Khan hands Amir a letter from Hassan. It contains a photograph of Hassan and a letter for Amir. In the midst of these chapters, the narration in the book shifts so that Rahim Khan is the main character telling the story. Amir left the area to sob splits of happiness since it indicated Baba valued his writing. Letter 2: Kabul has changed. Amir learns Rahim Khan is dying. When Amir asks Rahim Khan if Hassan is still living in Baba's house he is given a letter. He also talked about how Baba regretted keeping the secret of Hassan and Amir being brothers and how he wanted to learn from this. Amir is a Pashtun and Sunni Muslim, while Hassan is a Hazara and a Shi'a. Amir is worthy of forgiveness because of the letters from both Rahim Khan and Hassan, constantly fighting for Sohrab, and letting Sohrab in the family. Baba was reminded of his actions everyday. SUMMARY: The narrative switches back to Amir after Rahim Khan narrates the previous chapter. Because he is on holidays and the Kite-flying competition is very soon. Contained within it is a picture of Hassan and his son Sohrab. Rahim Khan is relating this quote to the experience that hasn't left Amir's mind since it occurred. Letters are often used in literature to allow characters other than the narrator to speak directly to the reader. First, Khan is a dying man and he wants Amir to do . According to Amir, Rahim Khan ''was the only person I knew who could get away with saying something like that . He writes a letter telling how Hassan told him about the rape and how he didn't stand up for him was not a good friend. His smile is that of "a man who thought the world had been good to him" (189). Amir asks if Hassan is still in Baba's house, and Rahim Khan hands him an envelope. Chapters #20-end. If Amir ever returns, he will find his faithful friend Hassan waiting for him. Consider your parents and how your opinions about them have changed as you have gotten older. Amir says "There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little The letter talks of the need for forgiveness. The central character of the story as well as its narrator, Amir has a privileged upbringing. Amir asks Rahim Khan whether Hassan is still at the house, and in response, Rahim Khan shows Amir the Polaroid picture first mentioned in Chapter 7. Farid tells Amir that Rahim Khan has left him a letter. Do you feel that Baba was a good man? While two neighborhood boys hold down Hassan, a nearly-demonic boy named Assef rapes Hassan. Amir asks Rahim Khan if Hassan still lives in Kabul, and Rahim Khan hands him a photograph and a letter written in neat, child-like Farsi. It contains a photograph of Hassan and a letter for Amir. Rahim Khan lives in Baba's house after Amir and Baba flee to America. These words are from Rahim Khan's final letter to Amir. In chapter 23, Amir is lying in his hospital bed, healing from the wounds he suffered during his life-threatening fight with Assef, when he picks up Rahim Khan's letter and begins to read it. Rahim Khan wants to convince Amir to forgive his father, to release the anger he has felt after learning how Baba betrayed a friend. In this, he is referring to the fact that Baba was torn between his two sons, Amir and Hassan. Amir does not press Rahim Khan any further and instead goes on to read Hassan's letter. 7. "There is a way to be good again." (Pg. Chapter 16 is in the voice of Rahim Khan. 1) This is said by Rahim Khan to Amir to encourage him to help Hassan's son escape Afghanistan and finally redeem himself. He loved both Amir and Hassan equally, but never equitably. Examine what Amir finds when he returns to his childhood home. What is the tone of this letter? 316) In Rahim Khan's letter to Amir at the end of the book, he mentions that Baba was torn between two halves. 8. Amir is initially resistant, but Rahim Khan drops some knowledge on Amir: Hassan was Amir's half-brother. With the picture is a letter from Hassan addressed to Amir. Rahim Khan tells Amir that Ali, the man Amir had always assumed to be Hassan's father, was actually sterile, indicating that someone else was responsible for the birth of Hassan. Rahim Khan delivers the bad news to Amir. Chapter 18 "like father, like son" (p. 197). In chapter 23, Amir is lying in his hospital bed, healing from the wounds he suffered during his life-threatening fight with Assef, when he picks up Rahim Khan's letter and begins to read it. 5. In this module, we read through the twenty-third chapter of the novel, focusing in particular on: (i) the comparison between Baba's fight with the black bear and Amir's fight with Assef; (ii) the sense in which both Assef and Amir "got what they deserved"; (iii) Rahim's exit from the story now that Amir has achieved redemption, his role as the 'conscience' of . Forgive me if you wish. should the letter have been presented to him earlier? Amir, he said, should learn from Baba's example and try to redeem himself as well. what is your reaction to Rahim khans letter to Amir? Amir sits with Rahim Khan thinking of everything that happened between him and Hassan. Baba never told Hassan or Amir about it. Amir formally meets Sohrab - the showdown at Assef's didn't really allow time for chitchat. Rahim Khan brings up Hassan, he tells Amir: "I brought you here because I am going to ask something of you. Rahim Khan gives him three reasons. What had become of Hassan? After Amir speaks to Rahim Khan, he starts to go over all the signs he didn't understand as a boy, but which are abundantly clear now. He said true redemption is, Amir Jan, when guilt leads to good. because Amir hid it under Hassan's bed with some money so it looks like Hassan sold it so Baba would kick Hassan out … ]. Summary: Rahim Khan beings to tell Amir the story of how he had found Hassan and why Amir is needed. So Rahim Khan knew about the rape all along. First, Khan is a dying man and he wants Amir to do . Kite Runner: Chapter 16-20. 2) Analyze the metaphor comparing Amir and Hassan's interaction to the game of "insect torture.". Chapter Ten (March 1981) Why did Baba and Amir flee their home? In the culture of Afghanistan, a man's betrayal of his friend is an extremely shameful situation. amir says there are a lot of children in Afghanistan but no childhood what does he mean? do you feel that baba was a good man. 8. Chapter Nine. Baba was torn between two sons and took out his frustration on Amir. Honor is one of the most important things a man can have. Should the letter have been presented to him earlier? I don't think I'm able to judge if an action is good or bad. Examine what Amir finds when he returns to his childhood home. Amir learns that the Taliban have shot Hassan and his wife, in order to obtain his father's house. If Amir ever returns, he will find his faithful friend Hassan waiting for him. Why does Rahim Khan write a last letter to Amir? Rahim tells Amir it is his job to find Sohrab in Karteh-Seh, Afghanistan, and take him to an orphanage in . He said he had left money for Amir in a safety deposit box, which the key would open. In this module, we read through the sixteenth chapter of the novel, focusing in particular on: (i) the fact that this and the following chapter are narrated by Rahim Khan, not Amir; (ii) Hassan's story since we last saw him - his marriage, the birth of his children, the return of his mother; (iii) the significance of the name of Hassan's son - Sohrab - and the . Rahim Khan had taken over Baba's house when they left for America. Rahim Khan led Amir away from his past and towards a new, better version of himself through the rescue of Sohrab. Here's the important stuff from Rahim Khan's letter: Rahim Khan says Hassan told him a few days after the alleyway incident what happened. Why did Rahim Khan go to find Hassan in Hazarajat Rahim Khan went to Hazarajat. 17.Chapter 24 continues the falling action of the plot. Text preview. Through Rahim Khan's wisdom, the actions of Baba, and the journey of Amir, Khaled Hosseini illustrates that the need for redemption, due to unresolved guilt, can haunt someone throughout their life.
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